BelledonneCommunications / flexisip-account-manager

A REST API, web portal and provisioning server for Flexisip
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link
laravel mysql php postgresql rest rest-api sip


Flexisip Account Manager brings several tools in one:


Copyright © Belledonne Communications

Flexisip is dual licensed, and can be licensed and distributed:


Once deployed you can have access to the global and API documentation on the /api and /documentation pages.


DotEnv configuration

FlexiAPI relies on DotEnv to be configured. This configuration can be accessed using the existing .env file that can be itself overwritten by an environnement variables.

Thoses variables can then be set using Docker-Compose, a bash script or a web-server for example.

If you're installing FlexiAPI from the RPM package you can find the configuration file at /etc/flexisip-account-manager/flexiapi.env.

Manual setup

Clone the repository, install the dependencies and generate a key.

composer install --no-dev
php artisan key:generate

Then configure the database connection in the .env file (from the .env.example one). And migrate the tables. The migration MUST be run on an empty database. The .env file will be available at the root of the project or often located in /etc/flexisip-account-manager in packaged versions.

php artisan migrate

You can also run the test suit using phpunit.

To know more about the web server configuration part, you can directly visit the official Laravel installation documentation.

Apache2 server configuration

The package will deploy a flexisip-account-manager.conf file in the apache2 configuration directory. This file can be loaded and configured in your specific VirtualHost configuration.

Configure the .env file

Complete all the other variables in the .env file or by overwritting them in your Docker or web-server configuration:

Multi instances environement

FlexiAPI can also handle multi domains setup.

Multiple virtualhosts option

In your web server configuration create several virtualhosts that are pointing to the same FlexiAPI instance. Using the environnement variables you can then configure FlexiAPI per instance.

With Apache, use the mod_env module.

SetEnv APP_NAME "VirtualHost One"

On nginx use fastcgi_param to pass the parameter directly to PHP.

location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {
    include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param  APP_NAME     "VirtualHost Two";

Warning Do not create a cache of your configuration (using artisan config:cache) if you have a multi-environnement setup. The cache is always having the priority on the variables set in the configuration files.

Multiple .env option

To do so, configure several web servers virtualhosts and set a specific APP_ENV environnement variable in each of them.

Note that if APP_ENV is not set FlexiAPI will directly use the default .env file.

FlexiAPI will then try to load a custom configuration file with the following name .env.$APP_ENV. So for the previous example .env.foobar.

You can then configure your instances with specific values.

INSTANCE_COPYRIGHT="FooBar - Since 1997"
INSTANCE_INTRO_REGISTRATION="Welcome on the FooBar Server"

Custom theme

If you set INSTANCE_CUSTOM_THEME to true, FlexiAPI will try to load a CSS file located in public/css/$ If the file doesn't exists it will fallback to public/css/style.css.

You can find an example CSS file at public/css/

Flexisip Push notifications pusher

The API endpoint POST /account_creation_tokens/send-by-push uses the flexisip_pusher binary delivered by the Flexisip project (and related package). You must configure the APP_FLEXISIP_PUSHER_PATH and APP_FLEXISIP_PUSHER_FIREBASE_KEYSMAP environnement variables to point to the correct binary.


This binary will be executed under "web user" privileges. Ensure that all the related files required by flexisip_pusher can be accessed using this user account.

/var/opt/belledonne-communications/log/flexisip/flexisip-pusher.log // Write permissions
/etc/flexisip/apn/*pem // Read permissions

SELinux restrictions

If you are running on a CentOS/RedHat machine, please ensure that SELinux is correctly configured.

Allow the webserver user to write in the storage/ directory:

chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t storage/

Don't forget to make this change persistent if the directory may be relabeled :

semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t storage/

You can use the restorecon command to verify that this is working :

restorecon storage/

If your database is located on a remote machine, you should also allow your webserver user to connect to remote hosts:

semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 3306 // Open remote connections on the MySQL port for example
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 // Allow remote network connected
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1 // Allow remote database connection

If you are planning to send emails using your account manager:

setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1 // Allow email to be sent


For the web panel, a general documentation is available under the /documentation page. For the REST API, the /api page contains all the required documentation to authenticate and request the API. FlexiAPI is also providing endpoints to provision Liblinphone powered devices. You can find more documentation about it on the /provisioning/documentation documentation page.

Console commands

FlexiAPI is shipped with several console commands that you can launch using the artisan executable available at the root of this project.

Create or update a SIP Domain

Create or update a SIP Domain, required to then create accounts afterward. The super option enable/disable the domain as a super domain.

php artisan sip_domains:create-update {domain} {--super}

Create an admin account

Create an admin account, an API Key will also be generated along the way, it might expire after a while.

If no parameters are put, a default admin account will be created.

php artisan accounts:create-admin-account {-u|username=} {-p|password=} {-d|domain=}

Clear the expired API Keys

This will remove the API Keys that were not used after x minutes.

php artisan digest:clear-api-keys {minutes}

Clear Expired Nonces for DIGEST authentication

This will remove the nonces stored that were not updated after x minutes.

php artisan digest:clear-nonces {minutes}

Remove the unconfirmed accounts

This request will remove the accounts that were not confirmed after x days. In the database an unconfirmed account is having the activated attribute set to false.

php artisan accounts:clear-unconfirmed {days} {--apply} {--and-confirmed}

The base request will not delete the related accounts by default. You need to add --apply to remove them.

Remove deleted accounts tombstones

This request will remove the deleted accounts tombstones created after x days.

php artisan accounts:clear-accounts-tombstones {days} {--apply}

The base request will not delete the related tombstones by default. You need to add --apply to remove them.

Set an account admin

This command will set the admin role to any available Flexisip account. You need to use the account DB id as a parameter in this command.

php artisan accounts:set-admin {account_id}

Once one account is declared as administrator, you can directly configure the other ones using the web panel.

Seed liblinphone test accounts

You can also seed the tables with test accounts for the liblinphone test suite with the following command (check LiblinphoneTesterAccoutSeeder for the JSON syntax):

php artisan accounts:seed /path/to/accounts.json

SMS templates

To send SMS to the USA some providers need to validate their templates before transfering them, see Sending SMS messages to the USA - OVH.

Here are the currently used SMS templates in the app to declare in your provider panel:

Custom email templaces

Some email templates can be customized.

To do so, copy and rename the existing *_custom.blade.php.example files into *custom.blade.php and adapt the content of the email (HTML and text versions), those files will then replace the default ones.


Provisioning hooks

The XML returned by the provisioning endpoint can be completed using hooks.

To do so, copy and rename the provisioning_hooks.php.example file into provisioning_hooks.php in the configuration directory and complete the functions in the file. The functions already contains example codes to show you how the XML can be enhanced or completed.

Account Service hooks

The internal Account Service is also providing hooks. Rename and complete the following file to enable and use them: account_service_hooks.php.example.

Sending SIP messages from the API

The POST /api/messages endpoint allows you to send messages on the SIP network. It call internally linphone-daemon to do so. To be able to use it you should follow the following steps:

  1. Launch the linphone-daemon with a UNIX socket path, this will create a socket file in /tmp (the file will be /tmp/lp for the following line).

    $ linphone-daemon --pipe ld

  2. Configure the .env file to point to that UNIX socket


If you have issues connecting to that socket check the systemd restrictions part of this document.

The socket is located in the /tmp directory.

The systemd service PrivateTmp setting might also restrict that access.