Belonit / AEColorPicker

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AEColorPicker ================ This is the Plugin and ExternalLibrary for Adobe After Effects, is intended to access from scripts to the built-in AE ColorPickerDialog, instead of the operating system dialog. Download: * Installing the plug-in for Adobe After Effects ------- **Windows:** Copy AEColorPicker.aex to the folder > Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects [version]\Support Files\Plug-ins **Mac:** Copy AEColorPicker.plugin to the folder > Applications/Adobe After Effects [version]/Plug-ins An example of using ExternalLibrary in JSX scripts. ------- ```js var externalLibrary = new ExternalObject('lib:C:\\AEColorPicker.aex'); var oldColor = 0x20F186; var newColor = externalLibrary.colorPicker(oldColor, "dialog_title"); if(newColor == -1){ //Returns -1 if user clicked on cancel newColor = oldColor; } ``` Building ------- Visual Studio 2019 for Window, XCode 8 for MAC. Other than that, you will need [Adobe After Effects SDK]( and [Adobe Bridge SDK]( Installation instructions for SDKs are located in the corresponding subfolders in the [/SDK/](/SDK/)