07 Project 1: Interactive Front-End Application
You and your group will use everything you’ve learned over the past six modules to create a real-world front-end application that you’ll be able to showcase to potential employers. The user story and acceptance criteria will depend on the project that you create, but your project must fulfil the following requirements:
Use this project presentation template to address the following:
This project is graded based on the following criteria:
As a user I want to select the radio station by Country from the first drop down box. From the Country drop this will give me a list of available radio stations to choose from. When I select/click on the “Play” button the radio station will play on a second page > this will also trigger the second API to leave an inspirational quote as the background image.
Our target audience can be broken into 2 main streams: 1) People that are have migrated, or, are travelling in another country and would like to listen to a radio station easily from their chosen part of the world – I.e. not limited to the local radio stations. This could also be someone that wishes to learn a different language; they can tune in and test their current knowledge or listen and learn. 2) Someone who would like to listen to a certain radio station and looking for a set genre. For example; if the user wanted to go to the gym they could select FreshFM to get the heart rate up, alternatively if the user is driving they may like something more suited. 3) OR… “ahem Ben Fawcett”… if you wanted to go Rock Climbing at your favourite outdoor space you can easily tune in to the station of your choice to get the job done! 😉
Easy access to all live streamed radio stations across the world for FREE!
Using our user friendly interface, combined with the Radio Browser API and search functions within the application, it will enable the user to select the country of choice followed by the radio station.
To use and view this challenge please use this the following link to access the deployed website: "https://benarmstrong81.github.io/Worldy-Music-at-Your-Fingertips/"
Our project allows users to use the drop-down boxes to select their country of choice and then a list of the Radio Stations available within that counrty. The second page will display an inspirational quote to inspire the user while listing to their station and put them in a uplifting, positive mindful state 🙏
The following image shows the web application's appearance:
In colaboration with:
With special thanks to the UniSA Full Stack Web Development Class.
Through out the past 6 weeks we have learnt the following; HTML, CSS, JavaScripot, Bootstap, JQuery, DOM, API's, Google Fonts, Creationg professional README files, Arrays, Pseudo Coding, Wireframing and much much more!!
Using the above skills we created this whole project from scratch including; a HTML, CSS, JavaScript and README files.
We all feel rather proud, after only 6 weeks of coding to colaborate and complete such a task is greatfully satisfying.
Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.