BenGutteridge / DRew

Apache License 2.0
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DRew: Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay

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This repository contains the code required to reproduce the experimental results for the architectures described in the "DRew: Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay" paper, accepted at ICML 2023.

The LRGB portion of the code is adapted from here and the QM9 portion of the code is adapted from here.

Environment setup with conda

Configured for MacOS and Linux.

conda create -n drew python=3.9
conda activate drew
conda install pytorch=1.9.1 torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch -c nvidia   
conda install pyg=2.0.2 -c pyg -c conda-forge
pip install ogb
pip install performer-pytorch
pip install torchmetrics==0.7.2
conda install pandas scikit-learn
conda install openbabel fsspec rdkit -c conda-forge
pip install tensorboard
pip install tensorboardX
# Check to install DGL based on your CUDA requirements
conda install -c dglteam dgl
conda install setuptools==58.0.4
pip install numba
pip install tabulate

Reproducing LRGB experiments

From inside /lrgb, use:

python --cfg {path_to_yaml_file}

All config files for LRGB experiments used in the paper are in lrgb/configs/paper_configs

Use custom arguments by appending the above with {arg_name} {arg_val}. See config files for arg options. E.g. to change the number of epochs append "optim.max_epoch 100"

Reproducing QM9 experiments

From inside qm9/src use:


to reproduce results with the same seeds as used in the paper. More generally, run experiments using:

python -d QM9 -m {model}_RSUM_WEIGHT --nu {nu} --max_distance {k} --num_layers 8 --specific_task -1 --emb_dim {d}

Using "SP" or "DRew" in place of {model} and using the --nu or k arguments to set the DRew rate parameter or SPN max-hop aggregation parameter, respectively. Set --emb_dim to 95 for DRew models and 128 for SPN models to ensure ~800k parameter count. The specific regression target can be chosen by setting --specific task, or set to -1 to run through all 13 targets.

A detailed list of all additional arguments can be seen using python -h.

Reproducing RingTransfer experiments

From inside lrgb/configs/paper_configs/RINGTRANSFER use:


Generally experiments can be run in the same way as for the LRGB datasets, using dataset.format synthetic and RingTransfer arguments.

Dataset generation code is adapted from here.

Citing this paper

If you make use of this code, or its accompanying paper, please cite this work as follows:

  title={{DRew}: Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay},
  author={Gutteridge, Benjamin and Dong, Xiaowen and Bronstein, Michael M and Di Giovanni, Francesco},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},