BenMorel / mysql-replication-check

A tool to checksum a MySQL slave against its master
MIT License
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MySQL replication check tool

This PHP script uses CHECKSUM TABLE to ensure that every table on a master and a slave MySQL / MariaDB server are in sync. As opposed to several checksum tools, it is totally read-only: it does not write anything to the database, making it very safe.

The mysql-replication-check.php script is standalone: it can be downloaded and run anywhere. Docker configuration & composer dependencies are only used for development.

This tool uses table locks. Depending on the size of your tables, the speed of your server, and/or the availability of a maintenance window during which these locks are acceptable, this can be a problem or not. Locks are held for as little time as possible, and always one table at a time.


This tool requires PHP >= 5.4 and the PDO_MYSQL driver.


This tool has been tested with MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0, and MariaDB 10.5, but may work with other versions. It works equally well with all types of replication: STATEMENT, ROW and MIXED, and all storage engines.


Download here: mysql-replication-check.php


php mysql-replication-check.php [options]

Available options

Option name Presence Description
--master-host Required The master server hostname
--master-port Optional The master server port
--master-user Optional The master server username
--master-password Optional The master server password
--master-ssl-ca Optional The path to an SSL CA file for the master
--slave-host Required The slave server hostname
--slave-port Optional The slave server port
--slave-user Optional The slave server username
--slave-password Optional The slave server password
--slave-ssl-ca Optional The path to an SSL CA file for the slave
--tables Optional A comma-separated list of tables to check
--ignore-tables Optional A comma-separated list of tables to ignore
--quiet Optional Set this flag to only output something if the check fails
--color Optional Set this flag to colorize the output


By default, all tables from all non-system databases are checked. Use the --tables to filter the tables to check. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of tables, optionally using the * placeholder. Each table is referenced with its database, in the database.table format.


php mysql-replication-check.php \
    --master-host=localhost \ \
    --tables="foo.*,bar.wp_*" \


Each checked table is output on a separate line, along with the current action being undertaken, and finally the result of the sync check: OK or ERR.

         ML MB MC SW SL MU SC SU
foo.user .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  OK .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  OK
foo.tag  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  OK

Total time: 5 seconds

Total master lock time: 2 seconds
Longest master lock time: 0.9 seconds

Total slave lock time: 3 seconds
Longest slave lock time: 1.5 seconds

Tables in error: 0

Each column represents the current action being undertaken:

Column Target Action
ML Master Lock table
MB Master Binlog position read
MC Master Checksum table
SW Slave Wait for sync with master
SL Slave Lock table
MU Master Unlock table
SC Slave Checksum table
SU Slave Unlock table

The lock times give you an idea of the impact the tool had on the availability of the database.

Exit code

The script exits with code 0 if all tables are in sync, or 1 if at least one table is out of sync.

Cancelling the check

You can interrupt the check at any time with Ctrl + C. The tool being read-only, there is no impact on the server. Any locks will be released as soon as the current query is completed. If a query such as CHECKSUM TABLE takes too long to complete, you can locate it with SHOW PROCESSLIST and safely KILL it manually.


If you want to contribute to this tool, you can test your changes with the provided Docker Compose configuration.

Start the containers:

docker compose up -d --build

Run the tool:

docker compose exec php php mysql-replication-check.php  \
  --master-host=mysql-master \
  --master-user=root \
  --master-password=master-password \
  --slave-host=mysql-slave \
  --slave-user=root \

💡 If you get a Connection refused error, wait a few seconds for the MySQL servers to start.

Check static analysis:

docker compose exec php-psalm vendor/bin/psalm


This tool is released under the MIT license.