Benbhoy1888 / SET08103

Apache License 2.0
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  Group Project


ID Name Met Screenshot
1. All the countries in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Yes countries - world
2. All the countries in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Yes countries - continent
3. All the countries in a region organised by largest population to smallest. Yes countries - region
4. The top N populated countries in the world where N is provided by the user. Yes countries - world n
5. The top N populated countries in a continent where N is provided by the user. Yes countries - continent n
6. The top N populated countries in a region where N is provided by the user. Yes countries - region n
7. All the cities in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Yes cities - world
8. All the cities in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Yes cities - continent
9. All the cities in a region organised by largest population to smallest. Yes cities - region
10. All the cities in a country organised by largest population to smallest. Yes cities - country
11. All the cities in a district organised by largest population to smallest. Yes cities - district
12. The top N populated cities in the world where N is provided by the user. Yes cities - world n
13. The top N populated cities in a continent where N is provided by the user. Yes cities - continent n
14. The top N populated cities in a region where N is provided by the user. Yes cities - region n
15. The top N populated cities in a country where N is provided by the user. Yes cities - country n
16. The top N populated cities in a district where N is provided by the user. Yes cities - district n
17. All the capital cities in the world organised by largest population to smallest. Yes capital cities - world
18. All the capital cities in a continent organised by largest population to smallest. Yes capital cities - continent
19. All the capital cities in a region organised by largest to smallest. Yes capital cities - region
20. The top N populated capital cities in the world where N is provided by the user. Yes capital cities - world n
21. The top N populated capital cities in a continent where N is provided by the user. Yes capital cities - continent n
22. The top N populated capital cities in a region where N is provided by the user. Yes capital cities - region n
23. The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each continent. Yes urbanisation - continent
24. The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each region. Yes urbanisation - region
25. The population of people, people living in cities, and people not living in cities in each country. Yes urbanisation - country
26. The population of the world. Yes total population - world
27. The population of a continent. Yes total population - continent
28. The population of a region. Yes total population - region
29. The population of a country. Yes total population - country
30. The population of a district. Yes total population - district
31. The population of a city. Yes total population - city
32. The number of people who speak the following the following languages from greatest number to smallest,
including the percentage of the world population:
Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Arabic.
Yes languages

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