BenjamimKrug / FullSerialMonitor

MIT License
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This is a Serial monitor I developing with every feature I ever saw on various other monitors or found useful to have. Fully developed in Javascript with Node and Electron. I made it after using many serial monitors and not finding any of them complete, always missing some feature, so I decided to make my own serial monitor that would have all the features needed for a serial monitor.

Included features

Planned features to be added on future versions

Installation process

The installation process is very simple, you simply download the most recent version on the releases page. A Windows version is already built in a zip file, but if you use another platform for now your best option is to build the version yourself. Note: For now I don't have access to linux or Mac computer to test builds for those platforms.

With the .zip file, simply unzip it and put the resulting folder somewhere you'll be able to find it. Only thing to be careful is to not put it somewhere where special admnistrative access is needed to access the files, as that will cause some problems with the program.

How to use the Logging feature

To use the logging feature you can configure it on the config menu, at first it will look like the following:

log file empty

The Log file can be configured into 3 modes:

The "Add Timestamp" switch can be checked to add the timestamp to the log file. To select where the log file will be created, simply click on the "Browse..." button and select the folder. An important note is that the folder must have at least one file, it cannot be empty, when you're selecting it through the Browse button, that is due to a limitation of the file browser system. A workaround for using an empty folder is to simply write the path of the folder into the text input, make sure that it ends in a '\' or '/' character. In the future this quirk will be fixed.

Once it is all configured, when you connect to the serial port a file called "log.txt" will be created on the folder you selected, and the data received will be treated according to the mode configured.

How to use the built-in ESP Exception Decoder

If you want to use the built in ESP Exception Decoder for the serial port terminal you can just select the .elf file for the current code you're running on your ESP through the browse button:

esp exception decoder section

Which will then open a file explorer for you to select the file. Alternatively you can simply click the "Auto detect" button if you're using the Arduino IDE, which normally puts all it's compilation files in the Temp folder, so the program can find them by getting the most recently compiled. When a line starting with "Backtrace" is received on the serial port, the parser does the decoding automatically and outputs it in the lower half:

exception decoder output

How to use the standalone ESP Exception Decoder

Beyond the built into the terminal Decoder, the program also includes a standalone ESP Exception decoder, you can open it via the tools menu:

standalone exception decoder button

Upon opening the window it will look like this:

empty standalone exception decoder

So just fill in your backtrace and the path to your .elf file:

standalone exception decoder filled in

If you use the Arduino IDE, you can simply click the "Auto Detect" button for it to find the most recently compiled sketch

Once it is all filled in, just click the "Decode" button and the decoded backtrace will appear in the Output div:

standalone exception decoder decoded

How to use the Custom Parsers feature

To use the custom parsers feature, you must first create a .js file with a parser function following the pattern specified in the example file. With the created file, go to the config menu on the custom parsers section:

empty parser div

Click on the "+" button to add a new custom parser

parser registry

Then fill all the fields:

parser registry

Where each field is the following:

Note: all the parsing is done only when the line is fully sent, so it happens when a \n character is received, ending the line.

When the parser is configured the results will start appearing on the output history div for every line that contains the string you filled in the trigger field. It should look something like this:

parser output entry history

How to use the Parser output history feature

As the parsers put out results, they get added to the history div as a button with the time of entry, the payload used in the parser and the color assigned to that parser.

output history

In the right corner you can see there is a "Filters" button

filter example

On this dropdown you can check the parsers you actively want to see, in this case the JSON parser is unchecked so only the exception decoder gets show:

filtered history example

When you click on the parser output entry, the output div gets filled with the parser result for that entry.

How to use the Graph Feature

To use the graph feature, you must first open the window by going to the tools button and then clicking the Grapher button

grapher button

Once you open the window, at least on you first time opening it will look like this:

empty graph window

When you open the config menu it should look something like this:

empty graph tracking config

Click on the "+" button to add a new graph tracking

empty graph tracking item

Then fill all the fields:

filled graph tracking item

Where each field is the following:

So for example with the graph tracking configured in the example the text received on the terminal will be the following: value15 Where 15 is the value that get added to the graph series and the string "value" is discarted. As with the custom parsers, a new line('\n') character is needed at the end of the data for it to be parsed.

When data starts to come in the serial port, the graph will be filled:

graph window with values

Note that on the top of the screen there is a label for each of the series currently being tracked, in this case there are two series, by clicking on the label you can hide any series you want and then click again to show them once more:

graph window with test invisible

You can set the axis ranges on the config menu:

graph config ranges

If you do not want to manually set the values you can simply check the auto detect slider, that way the graph will set the ranges based on the minimum and maximum values present in the series'.

Finally you can configure how many data points in the X axis you wish to have in the graph. For example, In case you only want 100 points to be shown, you can configure it in the menu:

graph max points

Once that happens, only the most recent 100 points will be shown in the graph, all points beyond that will be discarded. If you do not want any data to be discarded, simply set the value to 0, then all data will be kept in the graph until you manually delete them with the delete button in the corner of the screen.

How to use the Payload sequencer feature

The program includes a feature to program a sequence of packets to be sent via the serial port, to use it you can open it via the tools menu:

payload sequencer button

Upon opening the window for the first time, it will look like this:

empty payload sequencer

To add a packet to the sequence simply click the "Add Packet" button, with that an empty field will be created at the end of the sequence:

empty payload sequencer item

Where each field is the following:

payload sequencer window

After you've saved the sequence, you can start sending the sequence, if "Continuous sequence" is checked the sequence will repeat continously, if not it will run the whole sequence and then stop.

Note: the line ending for each of the packets will be the line ending configured at the top of the terminal