BenjaminBenetti / csc461_project

csc461 Screen sharing
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CSC461 UVic Screen sharing One computer is actively sending the screen information to be displayed to one or more other computers in real time.

– Project Name: Remote Real-time Collaboration (RRTC) – Team Members: – Leader: Lucas Girouard-Stranks – Main Contact: Brian McCormack – Members: Ben Bennetti, Lucas Girouard-Stranks, Brian McCormack

Screen sharing. One computer is actively sending the screen information to be displayed to one or more other computers in real time.


How to Build

  1. Install core dependencies

    • CMake
    • SDL2
  2. Build 3rd party dependencies

    • libvpx
      1. Configure
      2. Make
    • openh264
      1. Make
    • libde265
      1. CMake
      2. Make
  3. Build project

cmake -H. -Bbuild && make -C ./build
  1. Run