BennyLi / encryptedOwnCloudPortableClient

A portable and encrypted ownCloud client
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Encrypted ownCloud Portable Client

This is a portable ownCloud client that runs on Windows. At starttime a Batch file is executed and will prompt you for a password. On first run this will set your password to encrypt the ownCloud client configuration (host, user, password) and the data stored in your portable Documents folder.

ATTENTION: This currently only works if used inside a complete PortableApps setup like used on USB sticks with the following directory structure:

       ownCloud\          <-- This folder will be generated by the script
       ownCloudPortable\  <-- Put the contents of this repository here

A setup with the PortableApps directories not at the root of a drive is not yet tested.

Used software

PortableApps ownCloud package

I used the PortableApps Stub from Thanks to the author.


Currently packaged is the ownCloud client version 1.8.0 (build 4893) from


For encrypted packaging a 7za.exe is included. This is the official portable one in version 9.38 beta from

If you ask yourself if 7-Zip is secure enough, please reefer to

Bat To Exe Converter

To convert the start.bat to .exe I used Bat To Exe Converter version from Currently I need an .exe file because the PortableApps Launcher cannot handle .bat files with the WaitForEXEN setting.