Bennylavaa / pfQuest-epoch

MIT License
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pfQuest [Project Epoch DB]

An extension for pfQuest-wotlk which adds support for Project Epoch. The latest version of pfQuest-wotlk is required and only enUS-Gameclients are supported at the time.


  1. Download Latest Version
  2. Unpack the Zip file
  3. Rename the folder "pfQuest-epoch-master" to "pfQuest-epoch"
  4. Copy "pfQuest-epoch" into Wow-Directory\Interface\AddOns
  5. Restart Wow


The database format in use, is similar to the existing pfQuest databases. You might want to also look into the "pfQuest-tbc" databases to learn how entries could be removed or manipulated.

Demo quest commit: Do Slavers Keep Records?

If you wish to add more content, feel free to contribute and send Pull Requests.

Useful Macros

Your Current Cords: /script SetMapToCurrentZone() local x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s, %s: %.1f, %.1f",GetZoneText(),GetSubZoneText(),x*100,y*100)) Zone IDs

Targeted Unit Information: /run local guid = UnitGUID("target"); local npcId = tonumber(string.sub(guid, 8, 12), 16); local npcName = UnitName("target"); print("NPC ID:", npcId, "NPC Name:", npcName)

Selected QuestLog Data: /run local t, l, _, _, _, _, _, _, i = GetQuestLogTitle(GetQuestLogSelection()); print("\nID:"..i.."\nLevel:"..l.."\n[\"T\"] "..t.."\n[\"O\"] "..QuestInfoObjectivesText:GetText().."\n[\"D\"] "..QuestInfoDescriptionText:GetText())

Hover Over Item ID: /run local _, link = GameTooltip:GetItem(); if link then local itemID = tonumber(link:match("item:(%d+):")); if itemID then print("Item ID:", itemID) end end

Object ID: No Possible way to get this info currently

Detailed list of what each section is:


Alliance Zones

Zone Level Alliance Horde
Dun Morogh 1-10
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Elwynn Forest 1-10
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Teldrassil 1-10
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Darkshore 10-20
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Loch Modan 10-20
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Westfall 10-20
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done

Horde Zones

Zone Level Alliance Horde
Durotar 1-10
  • [X] Done
  • [x] Done
Mulgore 1-10
  • [X] Done
  • [x] Done
Tirisfal Glades 1-10
  • [X] Done
  • [X] Done
Silverpine Forest 10-20
  • [X] Done
  • [X] Done
Barrens 10-25
  • [X] Done
  • [x] Done

Contested Zones

Zone Level Alliance Horde
Redridge Mountains 15-27
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Stonetalon Mountains 15-27
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Ashenvale 18-30
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Duskwood 18-30
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Wetlands 20-30
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Thousand Needles 25-35
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Alterac Mountains 30-40
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Arathi Highlands 30-40
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Desolace 30-40
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Stranglethorn Vale 30-45
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Dustwallow Marsh 35-45
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Badlands 35-45
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Swamp of Sorrows 35-45
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Feralas 40-50
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Hinterlands 40-50
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Tanaris 40-50
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Searing Gorge 45-50
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Azshara 45-55
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Blasted Lands 45-55
  • [ ] Done
  • [ ] Done
Un'goro Crater 48-55
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Felwood 48-55
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Burning Steppes 50-58
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Western Plaguelands 51-58
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Winterspring 53-60
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Deadwind Pass 55-60
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Moonglade 55-60
  • [x] Done
  • [x] Done
Silithus 55-60
  • [ ] Done
  • [ ] Done