BenoitWang / Speech_Emotion_Diarization

Apache License 2.0
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Speech Emotion Diarization (SED)

Code License Data License

Speech Emotion Diarization is a technique that focuses on predicting emotions and their corresponding time boundaries within a speech recording.

The model has been trained using audio samples that include one non-neutral emotional event, which belong to one of the four following transitional sequences:


The model's output takes the form of a dictionary comprising emotion components (neutral, happy, angry, and sad) along with their respective start and end boundaries, as exemplified below:

   'example.wav': [
      {'start': 0.0, 'end': 1.94, 'emotion': 'n'},  # 'n' denotes neutral
      {'start': 1.94, 'end': 4.48, 'emotion': 'h'}   # 'h' denotes happy


The implementation is based on the popular speech tookit SpeechBrain.

Another implementation of this project can be found here as a SpeechBrain recipe.

To install the dependencies, do pip install -r requirements.txt


Test Set

The test is based on Zaion Emotion Dataset (ZED), which can be downloaded via this link.

Training Set Preparation


    Unzip and rename the folder as "RAVDESS".

  2. ESD: Download the ESD dataset via this link. It should be noted that the script works only with this old version of the dataset.

    Unzip and rename the folder as "ESD".




    Unzip, keep only archive/Raw JL corpus (unchecked and unannotated)/JL(wav+txt) and rename the folder to "JL_corpus".

  5. EmoV-DB:

    Download [bea_Amused.tar.gz, bea_Angry.tar.gz, bea_Neutral.tar.gz, jenie_Amused.tar.gz, jenie_Angry.tar.gz, jenie_Neutral.tar.gz, josh_Amused.tar.gz, josh_Neutral.tar.gz, sam_Amused.tar.gz, sam_Angry.tar.gz, sam_Neutral.tar.gz], unzip and move all the folders into another folder named "EmoV-DB".


A proposed Emotion Diarization Error Rate is used to evaluate the baselines. EDER The four components are:

  1. False Alarm (FA): Length of non-emotional segments that are predicted as emotional.
  2. Missed Emotion (ME): Length of emotional segments that are predicted as non-emotional.
  3. Emotion Confusion (CF): Length of emotional segments that are assigned to another(other) incorrect emotion(s).
  4. Emotion Overlap (OL): Length of non-overlapped emotional segments that are predicted to contain other overlapped emotions apart from the correct one

Even though frame-wise classification accuracy can also reflect the system's capacity, it is not always convincing because it depends on the frame length (resolution). A higher accuracy of frame-wise classification does not equal that the model can better diarize. Hence, EDER is a more common metric for the task.

Run the code

Model configs and experiment settings can be modified in hparams/train.yaml.

To run the code, do python hparams/train.yaml --zed_folder /path/to/ZED --emovdb_folder /path/to/EmoV-DB --esd_folder /path/to/ESD --iemocap_folder /path/to/IEMOCAP --jlcorpus_folder /path/to/JL_corpus --ravdess_folder /path/to/RAVDESS.

The data preparation may take a while.

A results repository will be generated that contains checkpoints, logs, etc. The frame-wise classification result for each utterance can be found in eder.txt.


The EDER (Emotion Diarization Error Rate) reported here was averaged on 5 different seeds, results of other models (wav2vec2.0, HuBERT) can be found in the paper. You can find our training results (model, logs, etc) here.

model EDER
WavLM-large 30.2 ± 1.60

It takes about 40 mins/epoch with 1xRTX8000(40G), reduce the batch size if OOM.


The pretrained models and a easy-inference interface can be found on HuggingFace.

About Speech Emotion Diarization/Zaion Emotion Dataset

  title={Speech Emotion Diarization: Which Emotion Appears When?},
  author={Wang, Yingzhi and Ravanelli, Mirco and Nfissi, Alaa and Yacoubi, Alya},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.12991},