I have always been a fan of the Modern Honey Network project but I always felt it lacked certain features. This is a fun project to develop my own honeypot network using MHN as a template. The big differences between my system and theres is an ELK backend, MariaDB backend, Logstash instead of hpfeeds, and malware retrieval and statistics. I mean no disrespect to the creators of the MHN project.
git clone https://github.com/Benster900/CloudsOfHoneyManagementNode.git /opt/CloudsOfHoneyManagementNode
cd /opt/CloudsOfHoneyManagementNode
By default "https://sed -i 's/SECURITY_REGISTERABLE = True/SECURITY_REGISTERABLE = False/g' CloudsOfHoney/server/web_interface/config.py systemctl restart cloudsofhoneywebgui
`Network Sensor - p0f : p0f-filebeat--%{+YYYY.MM.dd}
Network Sensor - Bro: bro-filebeat--%{+YYYY.MM.dd}
Network Sensor - Snort: snort-filebeat--%{+YYYY.MM.dd}
Honeypot - Cowire: cowire-filebeat--%{+YYYY.MM.dd}
Honeypot - Elastichoney: elastichoney-filebeat--%{+YYYY.MM.dd} `
These keys can be updated as needed because the Flask app will read the ssh pub key from disk. However all honeypots need the new pub key.
Location: /home/cloudsofhoney/.ssh/[id_rsa.pub, id_rsa]
Mechanism used to connect to all honeypots and retrieve data. This system is very simplistic cause honeypots only need the ssh pub_key. Ansible currently runs every 24 hours to retrieve malware from honeypots. The -i flag runs a python script which pulls down all sensor IP addresses from the RethinkDB database. It then runs the retrieval script "malware_retrieval.yml" on each sensor.
00 00 * * * cloudsofhoney /usr/bin/ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/ansible_malware_retrieval.yml -i /etc/ansible/ansible_get_hosts.py > /home/cloudsofhoney/cron.output
Connect to another database: scripts/install_management_web_interface.sh
Set: python $web_dir/setup.py --dbUser <user> --dbPass <password> --dbHost <ip addr> --dbDatabase <database> --dbHash pbkdf2_sha256
Ansible is used to retrieve malware from each sensor and store it locally for 24 hours. Within this 24 hour window the malware is processes by a binary analyzer.
Location: /srv/malwareSamples/<date>
service: snort is the actual NIDS for the local system. service: snortLogging uses u2json to convert unified2 to json.
This is a directory filled with a bunch of tools, script and installs. Some of the installs are additional add-ons for the CloudsOfHoney Management Node like ElastAlert
MHN Project: https://github.com/threatstream/mhn