Beosti / blockclover

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Block Clover

Minecraft mod based on the anime/manga of the author Yuki Tabata called "Black Clover".


Join the community:


Besides the basic comments in the code there is no documentation at the moment.



You can always contribute by making a pull request like so:

1. Fork it
2. Create your branch (git checkout -b changes)
3. Commit your changes (git commit -m "changed something")
4. Push to branch (git push origin my-changes)
5. Create new pull request

Rules for contribution

Code style

if statements

Do not make a condition and the code inside that body on the same line such as this:

if (condition) {return;}

but do this:

if (condition)

no nesting

Try to avoid nesting as much as possible, example:

void example()
    if (statement)
        // more code here

preferably do this:

void example()
    if (!statement)
    // more code here

Document your code

If you're adding or changing something and it's getting big, always add documentation even if it is short. Of course do not overdo it. Don't do:

    void doesSomething()
        // does something

    void doesAnotherThing()
        // does another thing

But do this:

 * This class does something and another thing
 * Something happens this way here {@link #doesSomething()} 
 * Another thing happens this way here {@link #doesAnotherThing()}
    void doesSomething()
        // does something

    void doesAnotherThing()
        // does another thing

More short form comments can always be handy but are not needed if explained well at the head of the class.


Feel free to bugfix at your hearts content and make a pull request. Preferably with the code being streamlined and what bug you fixed.


Do not use if statements and their

Changes in api

If you want to change something in the API, because you are not able to make something you want with what there is now. Preferably add your own logic (preferably with documentation), if this is not possible and you have to change something. Feel free to do so but definitelly add documentation in the code!