Berea-CS-Courses / capstone-project-robinsonkal

capstone-project-robinsonkal created by GitHub Classroom
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Issue for weekly update 2 #15

Closed robinsonkal closed 3 years ago

robinsonkal commented 3 years ago

One sentence overview of your submission This is the issue for the 2nd weekly update

I would like feedback on ... Any thoughts on methodologies for text analysis would be appreciated. Or anything else really.

alfarozavalae commented 3 years ago

Please specify what this issue is for by adding the #[issuenumber] in the description (i.e. "#17 adding new stop words") that way we can comment it here. You're no longer required to do an issue for the weekly updates.

alfarozavalae commented 3 years ago

If you do not have any issue related to the weekly update, feel free to close this issue.

alfarozavalae commented 3 years ago

please close this issue. There is no commits or pull requests linked here so I am assuming you do not need this issue.