Berea-CS-Courses / capstone-project-robinsonkal

capstone-project-robinsonkal created by GitHub Classroom
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Your code, deliverables, and reflections should all be contained in this repository. You will track your progress using Issues and the Project board. You will post your documentation in the Wiki.

D1 - Project Specification Document

Describes your idea or design problem. In concert with Decomposition (D2), this document allows you to define the scope of your project given the time limitations and your experience with the technologies you plan to use to develop your system.

D2 - Project Decomposition Document

In this document, you break down your design requirements to their most basic components. During this process, you may find that you want to change some aspects of the design, which may help refine your Project Specification Statement (D1). The goal of this document is to ensure that each component of your proposed system is broken down to well defined pieces.

D3 - Low-fidelity Prototype

A prototype is a low cost way to demonstrate your system's interactions and get feedback on them before investing a lot of time and effort into more polished versions. It allows all the stakeholders in your project an idea of what you are designing, and it can also help with usability tests. The focus is to further solidify how your system is structured and how it behaves, with little emphasis on aesthetic details.

D4 - Prototype / Proof of Concept Documentation

This document is a synthesis of all the previous deliverables (both major and minor) into a "jumping off point" or starting point of your system. The proof of concept essentially tests the core idea of your system to gauge how viable it is.

D5 - Testing Plan

As you implement parts of your system, it is important to simultaneously develop a plan to evaluate how well it works. In addition to feature testing to find and eliminate bugs, all interactive systems should get feedback from a target user about the usability. Testing provides a measure of how well your implementation system meets its design goals.

D6 - Test Findings and Revision Plan

Summarize the findings from your evaluations, and specify how you plan to address any issues that arose. This should be detailed changes to implementation with justification, but should not include significant changes to the scope of the project.

D7 - Final Implementation

In addition to a working final version that you will demo, you will submit your repository of your documented final code, along with a system document that fully describes your system and a user manual. The system documentation will be the Wiki associated with your repo.

D8 - Final Demo and Presentation

By the end of the semester, you will have a working version of your system that you will demo and give a presentation to the class and other people from the community.