BergenParticleTherapy / DVHToolkit

A GUI toolkit for visualizing and performing toxicity modelling using Dose Volume Histogram files
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A GUI toolkit for visualizing and performing toxicity modelling and bootstrapping using Dose Volume Histogram files.

Extract information from Dose Volume Histogram files, calculate metrics such as D%, V% and fitting to NTCP models with methods of calculating the confidence intervals of the resulting parameters. By Helge Egil Seime Pettersen, Haukeland University Hospital, 2019.

The program consists of a single window with some dialog options. Most of the buttons and options are documented with a tooltip, accessed by holding the pointer above the wanted option. All settings are saved upon exiting.

Current version: 1.67

main window

FILE options

Before loading any patient / cohort folders containing CVS or ECLIPSE DVH files, the files to be opened has to be configured using the «FILE OPTIONS» part of the window. First, the file type has to be selected:

The patient toxicity can either be given as another CVS file (to be called «cohort_tox.csv» in the folder above the cohort folder): This file should contain each patient by their filename and toxicity grade. If the patient contained in 1234.csv has grade 3, write a line «1234,3» in the file. Then, choose the wanted toxicity threshold in the program. (2 -> all patients with grade ≥2 are defined as having complications). It is also possible to load the toxicity from the filenames, so that any file with «tox» in the filename is defined as having toxicity. In that case, use toxicity limit 1.

After these settings have been configured, load one or more patient cohorts using the Load patient folder button. This will open a file dialog, where you choose the folder containing the CSV files. The cohort name will be the name of the folder. All the added cohorts will be pooled to a single dataset. The validity of the loaded data may be controlled with the Show DVHs button: patients with tox are shown in red.

The loaded patient sets can be displayed with a range of options and groupings (per plan, per structure) etc. The show DVHs button displays the following menu: dvhoptions

The Show Aggregated DVH Plot button opens a window where all patients within a certain group (structure, plan) can be added together, showing the median / mean DVH for the given plan / structure.

In addition, certain % Dose or % Volume values can be calculated for each patient and stored in output CSV files for further use with the Save DVH values button.

If the LKB model is to be used for calculations, a set of look-up-tables for the gEUD values must be calculated after loading the patient cohorts. This is only performed once per patient (per structure), and is done by clicking the Calculate gEUD splines button. The look-up-tables are stored as cubic splines in the cohort folder (subfolder gEUD), ensuring high interpolation accuracy for all values of n.

The Show gEUD/n button can subsequently be used to display the different gEUD values as functions of n.


In order to identify the strength of different n values for the dataset, it is possible to calculate the AUROC: For each n value, check how many patients are correctly modelled with toxicity using a dose threshold based on their gEUD values (gEUD < threshold -> no tox; gEUD > threshold -> tox). The AUROC for this sensitivity and specificity for this n value calculated, and the n values are varied according to the limits chosen [2]. main window

Choice of NTCP Model

Two methods for calculating the NTCP are supported:

In this program, the CDF is substituted by a homotopy perturbation method to increase the computational efficiency [5]:


Finding the model parameters of the NTCP model

The main part of the program is to find the model parameters of the chosen NTCP model: a,b for the Logit model, and n,m,TD50 for the LKB model. The bounds of the parameters are defined (or the default values can be kept). Two methods are supplied for the optimization procedure:

With each optimization method, the error calculation can be as least squares or a Maximum Log Likelihood


the latter being more adopted [3]. The chosen method is applied by using the Calculate NTCP button, in which a plot as shown below is displayed (here with D1% and logit):

NTCP example

Calculating the confidence limits of the models

In this part of the program, several approaches have been attempted and compared. In [3], three methods are described:

The black lines are bias corrected confidence, intervals, while the green ones are uncorrected.

Bootstrap distributions

Using the bootstrap methods, a «pivot» interval can be used as improved CI [10, p. 11], and it is calculated as , Where are the upper and lower limits, respectively, and is the best estimate value from the original distribution.

After calculation of the confidence intervals, the Calculate NTCP Model button will display the confidence limits. If the “display each BS model within NTCP CI” option is used, all the individual models (that are within the LLH CI) are drawn on top of the shaded NTCP CI. The error band calculated from the span of bootstrapped models within the confidence interval of the distribution of the variable of interest (TD50). NTCP with error

Comparing cohorts

It is possible to compare the NTCP output of two or more cohorts. This is done by adding the wanted data to the left pane, and performing the bootstrap analysis; and then removing / adding a new data set and repeating the analysis. Now, the bootstrap window shows an additional plot (don't close the first NTCP model window!) with the differential TD50 distribution (for logit), and the NTCP/w error display shows both distributions:

NTCP compared
