BergenSoft / smart-nodes

NodeRed SmartNodes
MIT License
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General information

The smart nodes was created to control smart home devices like lights, power outlets shutter and some more. This nodes are designed to work with the node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate but it could also work with other smart technologies.

The knx binary input and output/switching modules should be configured very stupid. Closing a binary input should output 1 and releasing 0. Same for the output/switching modules, 1 should turn on and 0 turn out. That makes it easy to count the presses or check for short and long presses. Some node has to filter out the binary inputs if they goes to 0 or in other words, if msg.payload == false. Please see the internal node documentation then this signals are ignored. As an example sending a toggle topic for closing an input and also for releasing would toggle a light twice.

Sometimes one source node should be connected to multiple smart nodes which requires different topics. To avoid requiring many change nodes, the smart node are using a special msg.topic notation. You can always send topics in the format name#number, e.g. toggle#1. Smart nodes that requires a name are using only the name part. the # and the number are optional. Smart nodes that requries a number will only use the number, the name and # is also optional.

This is usefull when one node provide information to e.g. a light control node, as well as to a logic node.

This file only describes the general function of the node. See the documentation shown in NodeRed to find out how to use them, or see the included example flows. As I'm german, the internal documentation is only available in german. If you need another language, feel free to add localizations and adding more languages via a pull request.


1. Light control

This node is able to control a light or a power outlet.


2. Shutter control

This node is able to control a shutter. There is no support for slats and it is also not planned as I don't need them, but feel free to send a pull request.


3. Scene control

This node is tracking the state of multiple outputs and controls them by switching to multiple defined scenes.


4. Central control

This node can control multiple light/scene controls or shutter controls at the same time


5. Long press control

This node is used to detect a short or a long press. The time can be configured in this node.


6. Multi press control

This node is used to detect multiple presses on a button. The max wait time between presses can be configured in this node. You can also choose 2-4 press detection.


7. Hysteresis

This node is checking if the input value reachs a defined value until the upper message is send. When the lower level is reached, the lower masssage will be send


8. Logic

This node can be used for AND, OR and XOR logics.


9. Statistic

This node can be used for getting the following types of values: Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Difference, Absolute Value, Absolute Difference, Average and Running average.


10. Compare

This node can compare 2 values with the following operators: < <= == >= > !=


11. Delay

This node can delay incomming messages.


12. Forwarder

This node can control if an incomming message should be forwarded or not.


13. Scheduler

This node can send a defined message on defined times.


14. Text execution

This node parses a text and performs actions to the selected and matching smart nodes



[ text ] is optional

15. Mixing valve

This node can control a mixing valve to get the required tput temperature. It is working for heating and cooling.


16. Heating curve

This node calculates the needed flow temperature regarding to the target room temperature and the current outside temperature.


17. Counter

This node countes up and down within a specified range.
