Berlenz / Home-Assistant-ebus-access

Implements ebus communication in home assistant
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Home Assistant ebus access

A Home Assistant component to communicate via ebus



To run this Home Assistant integration a eBUS daemon must be already installed on your Raspberry Pi or NUC. see

To install this integration to Home Assistant: 1. download this repository, 2. extract the downloaded zip file, 3. copy ebus sub-folder into your home-assistant custom_components folder. If you don't know where the custom_components folder is, use Google.


Declare your ebus variables in the configuration. Restart Home Assistant after changing configuration.yaml file.

Example configuration


# Define the ebus daemons available in your network
  - ipv4_address: #IP address of first eBUS daemon 
    port: 8888
    #hub_name: 'ebus_daemon_1' #Only needed if you use two or more eBUS daemons. Default name is 'ebusd'.
    #time_to_live_s: 5 #optional: time within the last read value is used before a new value is read from the bus. (default: 30 seconds)
#  - ipv4_address: #IP address of second eBUS daemon
#    port: 8888
#    hub_name: 'ebus_daemon_2'
#    #time_to_live_s: 5 #optional

  - platform: ebus
      - name: 'Heatpump status' #sensor.heatpump_status #define name for new sensor here
        circuit: '21576' #see column 1 of ebusd CSV file
        message: 'status.heatpump_1' #see column 2 of ebusd CSV file
        field_to_read: 'status' #see column ??(field) of ebusd CSV file and _templates.csv
        #hub_name: 'ebus_daemon_1' #Name of the ebus you want to access. Only needed if you use two or more eBUS daemons. Default name is 'ebusd'.
      - name: 'Temperature Room' #sensor.temperature_room
        circuit: '21576'
        message: ''
        field_to_read: 'temperature'
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'
      - name: 'Temperature Buffer Upper Area' #sensor.temperature_buffer_upper_area
        circuit: '21576'
        message: 'temperature.buffer.tpo'
        field_to_read: 'temperature'
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: TEMP_CELSIUS
      - name: 'Temperature Heating Manual Setpoint' #sensor.temperature_heating_manual_setpoint
        circuit: '21576'
        message: 'temperature.heating.manual.setpoint'
        field_to_read: 'temperature'
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: TEMP_CELSIUS

The variable declaration above uses the definitions in the ebusd CSV file from the ebusd daemon. The CSV file is located in the /etc/ebusd/ configuration folder. Below you will find parts of the CSV file that I use in my ebusd configuration.

# type (r[1-9];w;u),circuit,name,comment,QQ,ZZ,PBSB,ID,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment,field,part (m;s),datatypes/templates,divider/values,unit,comment
r,,status.heatpump_1,02-053 Status heat generator control,,,,7d800002,,,param,,,,,,status,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,,,00-001 Actual room temperature,,,,77830008,,,param,,,,,,tempt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,,temperature.buffer.tpo,00-015 Buffer temperature (upper area),,,,7a800010,,,param,,,,,,tempt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
r,,temperature.heating.manual.setpoint,07-009 Manual operation set temperature,,,,07890048,,,param,,,,,,tempt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
w,,temperature.heating.manual.setpoint,07-009 Setpoint temperature manual mode,,,,07890048,,,tempt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The following example explains how to write a value to the ebus. At 11:45 a.m. the manual heating temperature is set to 28 °C.


- alias: 'Switch on heating'
    platform: time_pattern
    hours: "11"
    minutes: "45"
    seconds: "0"
    - service: ebus.ebus_write
        entity_id: sensor.temperature_heating_manual_setpoint
        value: 28