BershteynLab / EMODAnalyzeR

Home of package used to load, aggregate, analyze, and visualize outputs from batches of EMOD simulations
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EMODAnalyzeR seeks to share, scale, document, and test common research code. This package intends to help members of the Bershteyn Lab and anyone using EMOD-HIV analyze results of emod. This package was developed by members of the Bershteyn lab and Edinah Mudimu.

View Documentation Here


  1. Make sure you are running R 4.2 or greater
  2. Make sure you have devtools installed (if not, run install.packages("devtools") )
  3. Run library(devtools)
  4. Run install_github("BershteynLab/EMODAnalyzeR")


data = read.simulation.results(<path to runscenarios output folder>, 'Baseline', c("Infected", "Population"), min_age_inclusive = 15, max_age_inclusive = 49)
plot.prevalence(data, 2000, 2040)