Bgi-LUSH / LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline

Fast and accurate DNASeq Variant Calling workflow composed of LUSH-toolkits
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Dependencies #3

Open wooksh opened 1 year ago

wooksh commented 1 year ago


Thank you for sharing Your pipeline. You mention in the code several dependencies including Lush_aligner, LUSH_toolkit-BQSR-V2.2, LUSH_toolkit-HC-V1.2.2, LUSH_toolkit-GenotypeGVCFs-V1.1.0. Are they somewhere available to download? Also, could you explain the meaning of the Lush_aligner parameters: "-n 0.1 -J 0.5 -l 12 -g 2 -b 2 -M -Y"?

Best regards

Bgi-LUSH commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the late response. We have updated the Git repository, and now LUSH toolkits are available for download. For detailed parameter explanations, please refer to the README document. Thank you for using our tools.