Bgi-LUSH / LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline

Fast and accurate DNASeq Variant Calling workflow composed of LUSH-toolkits
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Fast and accurate DNASeq Variant Calling workflow composed of LUSH-toolkits.

The LUSH pipeline reconstructs analysis tools SOAPnuke, BWA and GATK using C/C++, and employs a new parallel computing architecture. Several redundant intermediate steps of reading and writing the same file are eliminated in the LUSH pipeline, which greatly avoids unnecessary I/O throughput and improves CPU utilization. LUSH pipeline provides far superior computational speed to GATK/GATKSpark while maintaining a high level of accuracy comparable to that of GATK.

Quickly Run within Docker

If you encounter environmental issues when running the Lush toolkit on your system, try run in docker.

## 1. git clone repository and pull docker image
git clone
docker pull centos:centos7.6.1810

## 2. create container lush_dnaseq
docker run -it -d -h test -u root -v /YOUR_PATH/LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline/:/usr/LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline/ --name lush_dnaseq centos:centos7.6.1810 
# Replace "/YOUR_PATH/LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline/" with your directory path 

## 3. go into container lush_dnaseq
docker exec -it lush_dnaseq /bin/bash

## 4. run LUSH_pipeline or LUSH_toolkits
cd /usr/LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline/test
sh  ## pipeline

you can also build the latest version of the LUSH Docker image using the Dockerfile. just run :

git clone
docker build -t lush-toolkit:latest  -f LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline/Dockerfile  .

USAGE for LUSH toolkits

USAGE for LUSH_Aligner

LUSH_Aligner integrates four functional modules: preprocessing, alignment to genome, sort alignments and mark duplicates, corresponding to the software: SOAPnuke, Bwa mem, Samtools sort (Danecek et al. 2021) and GATK-MarkDuplicates (Picard), respectively. LUSH_Aligner reimplemented the original software algorithm using C and C++ and optimized the algorithm architecture to improve CPU utilization while reduce IO usage.

LUSH_Aligner first needs to construct the index for the reference genome using the following command:

./bin/LUSH_toolkit-Aligner/lush_aligner index ./example_data/ref/chrM.fa

LUSH_Aligner uses the filter4mem command to perform filtering, alignment, sorting alignments and marking duplicates.
Common parameters for LUSH_Aligner filter4mem:

--adapter1/-2   STR     3' adapter sequence
--adapter2/-3   STR     5' adapter sequence [only for PE reads]
-4   Merge multiple pairs of clean FASTQ into one pair
--cleanfqOut/-6 STR Output directory. Processed fq files and statistical results would be output to here
--mixMatch/-b   INT misMatch: the max mismatch number when match the adapter (default: [1])
--lowQual/-l    FLOAT lowQual: low quality threshold (default: [5])
--qualRate/-J   FLOAT qualRate: low quality rate (default: [0.5])
--nRate/-n  FLOAT nRate: N rate threshold (default: [0.05])
--qualSys/-g    INT qualSys: quality system 1:illumina, 2:sanger (default: [sanger])
--cutData/-C    INT max reads number: limit the clean reads number(Mb)
-t  INT  number of threads [1]
-r  STR Reference sequence file
-I  STR config file for fq1 file and fq2 file
-o  STR the Bam file path after MarkDuplicates
-Y  use soft clipping for supplementary alignments
-M  mark shorter split hits as secondary
-Z  temporary file directory

config file for fq1 file and fq2 file should like this (tab-split):

./example_data/NA12878_l01_1.fq.gz  NA12878_l01_1       @RG\tID:NA12878.1\tLB:LibA\tSM:NA12878\tPL:COMPLETE\tCN:BGI
./example_data/NA12878_l01_2.fq.gz  NA12878_l01_2
./example_data/NA12878_l02_1.fq.gz  NA12878_l02_1       @RG\tID:NA12878.2\tLB:LibA\tSM:NA12878\tPL:COMPLETE\tCN:BGI
./example_data/NA12878_l02_2.fq.gz  NA12878_l02_2


mkdir -p ./outdir/ ./outdir/tem
./bin/LUSH_toolkit-Aligner/lush_aligner filter4mem \
        -6 ./outdir/ \
        -n 0.1 -J 0.5 -l 12 -g 2 -b 2 -t 20 -M \
        -r hg19.fa \
        -o ./outdir/NA12878.sort.dup.bam \
        -Z ./outdir/tem \
        -i ./example_data/lush.config

We provide a quick run script in the test/ directory. You can directly navigate to the test directory by typing "cd ./test/" and then execute "sh ./".


LUSH_BQSR is a C/C++ re-implementation of the GATK BaseRecalibrator and ApplyBQSR.

Common parameters:

--bam_path  STR the input BAM file
--fasta STR Reference sequence file
--out_dir   STR The output file to create
--plugin_path   STR path for
--bed   STR BED file for genomic intervals over which to operate    
--producer_number   INT number of producer threads
--worker_number INT number of worker threads
--known_site    STR One or more databases of known polymorphic sites used to exclude regions around known polymorphisms from analysis (should be decompression file).
--pr_one_bam    INT When there are multiple producers, change the default split BAM output to merge BAM output
--writer_thread INT The number of threads used for writing
--ip    INT Amount of padding (in bp) to add to each interval you are including
--bam_index If true, create a BAM/CRAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM/CRAM file
--quantize_qual INT Use static quantized quality scores to a given number of levels (with -bqsr)


mkdir -p ./outdir
./bin/LUSH_toolkit-BQSR/lush_bqsr \
 --bam_path /INPUT_PATH/NA12878.sort.dup.bam \
 --out_dir ./outdir/LUSH_BQSR  \
 --plugin_path ./bin/LUSH_toolkit-BQSR/ \
 --producer_number 2 --worker_number 21 \
 --fasta hg19.fa \
 --known_site Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.vcf \
 --writer_thread 5 --pr_one_bam 1

We provide a quick run script in the test/ directory. You can directly navigate to the test directory by typing "cd ./test/" and then execute "sh ./".


LUSH_HC is a C/C++ re-implementation of the GATK HaplotypeCaller.

Common parameters:

Usage: lush-hc <tool> [-option]
  -I, --input <file1> <file2> ...             input file paths
  -O, --output <file>                         output file path
  -R, --reference <file>                      reference file path
  -H, --help                                  display help message
  -V, --version                               display version message
  -L, --interval <file>                       interval file path
  -P, --interval-padding <int>                interval padding size, must be a non-negative integer (default: 0)
  -Q, --base-quality-score-threshold <int>    base qualities threshold, must be in [6, 127](default: 18)
  -D, --max-reads-depth <int>                 maximum reads depth per alignment start position (default: 50)
                                              must be a non-negative integer,set to 0 to disable
  -G, --gvcf-gq-bands <int1> <int2>...        specify GQ bands for merging non-variant sites in GVCF mode
                                              must be in [1, 100], (default: 1, 2, 3,... 60, 70, 80, 90, 99)
      --nthreads <int>                        number of threads to use, must be in [1, 128] (default: 30)
      --pcr-indel-model <str>                 PCR indel model (default: CONSERVATIVE)
                                              available options: {NONE, HOSTILE, CONSERVATIVE, AGGRESSIVE}
      --emit-ref-confidence <str>             emit reference confidence score mode (default: NONE)
                                              available options: {NONE, BP_RESOLUTION, GVCF}
      --nstreampool <int>                     iostream pool size, must be in [1, 20] (default: 10)
      --inspect-reads                         strictly inspect input reads (default: false)
      --old-pairhmm-engine                    use intel pairhmm engine (default: lush pairhmm engine)
      --compression-level                     compression level, must be in [0, 9] (default: 6)


mkdir -p ./outdir
./bin/LUSH_toolkit-HC/lush_hc HaplotypeCaller \
        --pcr-indel-model NONE \
        -I /INPUT_PATH/NA12878.sort.dup.bam \
        -R hg19.fa \
        -O ./outdir/NA12878.vcf.gz

We provide a quick run script in the test/ directory. You can directly navigate to the test directory by typing "cd ./test/" and then execute "sh ./".

USAGE for LUSH_GenotypeGVCFs

LUSH_GenotypeGVCFs is a C/C++ re-implementation of the GATK GenotypeGVCFs.

UASGE: LUSH_GenotypeGVCF inputGvcfFile outputVcfFile stand-call-conf

inputGvcfFile   input VCF file
outputGvcfFile  output file name:/file/NA12878_PCR.vcf.gz
stand-call-conf The minimum phred-scaled confidence threshold at which variants should be called:10.0


mkdir -p ./outdir
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./bin/LUSH_toolkit-GenotypeGVCFs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
./bin/LUSH_toolkit-GenotypeGVCFs/lush_genotypegvcfs /INPUT_PATH/NA12878.g.vcf.gz ./outdir/NA12878.vcf.gz 10

We provide a quick run script in the test/ directory. You can directly navigate to the test directory by typing "cd ./test/" and then execute "sh ./".

Run the LUSH/GATK pipeline

Run the LUSH pipeline

Usage: [-i FQCONF] [-t THREAD] [-o OUTDIR] [-m MODEL] [-s PREFIX]
    FQCONF, the path of INPUT fastq file
    THREAD, the number of thread [10]
    OUTDIR, the path of outdir [./]
    PREFIX, the prefix of outputfile [LUSHtest]
    MODE, GVCF or not [Y/N]

Example: -i fq.config -t 40 -o ./  -m N -s samplename

fq.config should be like this:

/PATH/MGISEQ2000_PCR-free_NA12878_30X_1.fq.gz   NA12878_30X_1   @RG\tID:NA12878_30X.1\tLB:NA12878_30X\tSM:NA12878_30X\tPL:COMPLETE\tCN:BGI
/PATH/MGISEQ2000_PCR-free_NA12878_30X_2.fq.gz   NA12878_30X_2

Note: Inside, the software path and reference sequence file on lines 47-58 need to be replaced with your current actual path and filename.

We provide a quick run script in the test/ directory. You can directly navigate to the test directory by typing "cd ./test/" and then execute "sh ./".

Run the GATK/GATKSpark pipeline

Usage: [-i FQFile] [-t THREAD] [-o OUTDIR] [-m MODEL] [-s PREFIX] [-p SPARK]

    FQFile, the path of INPUT fastq file, should be like '/path/fastq1,/path/fatq2'
    THREAD, the number of thread [10]
    OUTDIR, the path of outdir [./]
    PREFIX, the prefix of outputfile [GATKtest]
    MODE, GVCF or not [Y/N]
    SPARK, Spark or not [Y/N]

Example: -i /PATH/MGISEQ2000_PCR-free_NA12878_30X_1.fq.gz,/PATH/MGISEQ2000_PCR-free_NA12878_30X_2.fq.gz -t 40 -o ./  -m N -s samplename -p N

Accuracy Validation

Usage: [-i VCFFile] [-t THREAD] [-o OUTDIR] [-m MODEL] [-s PREFIX]
    VCFFile, the path of INPUT vcf file, should be like '/path/*1.vcf.gz,/path/*2.vcf.gz'
    THREAD, the number of thread [10]
    OUTDIR, the path of outdir [./]
    PREFIX, the prefix of outputfile [HAPtest]

Example: -i LUSHtest.vcf.gz,GATKtest.vcf.gz -t 40 -o ./ -s sample

Note that only sample scripts are provided here. Actual operation requires replacing the paths of the corresponding software and configuration files as required.