Bgi-LUSH / LUSH-DNASeq-pipeline

Fast and accurate DNASeq Variant Calling workflow composed of LUSH-toolkits
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Is it possible to perform joint genotyping on GenomicsDB workspace created with GenomicsDBImport? #6

Open avdanurag opened 6 months ago

avdanurag commented 6 months ago

Dear LUSH Team,

Can the GenomicDB workspace be used as input for the LUSH_GenotypeGVCFs module instead of a combined multi-sample GVCF?

Best Regards, Anurag

Bgi-LUSH commented 6 months ago

I‘m sorry, LUSH_GenotypeGVCFs currently does not have support for using GenomicDB workspace as input.

avdanurag commented 6 months ago

Thank you for prompt response.