[To-Do-List] is a project about the list of tasks. The user can add, edit, and delete the task and each task is rendered dynamically on page load. The project uses webpack to bundle JavaScript files.
We will take you through the process. follow these steps.
In order to get started, you need: Live Server npm
Clone this repository to your desired folder.
Example commands:
git clone https://github.com/Bhekisile/To-do-list
Install this project with:
Run npm start
π€ Bhekisile Jozi
GitHub: @bhekisile
LinkedIn: BhekisileJozi
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project, please hit like button.
I'd like to thank Microverse for the opportunity to learn and practice development.
This project is MIT licensed.