Bibilidibipi / Jugglog

Site to track your juggling progress, compare your progress with friends, and find new juggling patterns.
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Minimum Viable Product

Jugglog is a juggling pattern practice assistance app, built on Rails and Backbone. Its design is inspired by Duolingo. Users can:

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, Users index (~1 day)

I will implement user authentication in Rails based on the practices learned at App Academy. I'll add a route to serve users data as JSON, then add a Backbone model and collection to fetch data from that route. A composite view will display the user index data, with subviews for individual users. By the end of this phase, users will be able to view an index of other users. The most important part of this phase will be pushing the app to Heroku and ensuring that everything works before moving onto phase 2.


Phase 2: Follow and search for other users (~2 days)

I'll add a view for a single user model. I'll add a search route to my users controller that will alternatively populate the user index. The user show page will include following information. By the end of this phase, users will be able to search for other users by username, and follow them.


Phase 3: Pattern tree (~1 day)

I'll add rails and Backbone models for patterns, as well as a Backbone pattern index view and a show view. I'll also take some time to input patterns to the tree. By the end of this phase, users will be able to view the pattern tree and click on individual patterns to view their show page.


Phase 4: Add Comments to Patterns (~2 days)

This will require a Backbone model and collection. I'll have a composite view of comments as a subview of the pattern show page, and individual subviews of that comments composite view for each comment. Comments will be ordered chronologically. By the end of this phase, users will be able to view and add comments from the pattern show page.


Phase 5: Log Practice and Learning, View History (~3 days)

Practice and learning information will require a database migration and rails associations. For history viewing, I'll add a Backbone view that's populated by the last week of practice associations. By the end of this phase, users will be able to log practice and learning of patterns from the pattern show page, and view a history of the days they've practiced.


Bonus Features (TBD)