Bible-Translation-Tools / BTT-Writer-Android

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BTT-Writer Android

A tool to translate the Bible into your own language.

Quick Start

First make sure you have all the dependencies installed

Then fork this repository and clone your fork. After the repository has been cloned to your computer create a new Genymotion emulator. These emulators are faster and have better features that the stock emulators that come with the Androd SDK. As always a physical device will provide the best experience if you have one.

API 15 is currently the standard minimum sdk version so it is likely you will have it once Android Studio has been installed. If not then you will need to download it following the instructions in Adding SDK Packages.


This application relies on several native libraries. Therefore when building for a device or emulator you must choose the correct build varient for that platform. In Android Studio you can change the build varients by clicking on the Build Variants tab in the lower left corner of the IDE window. This will display an embeded window in which you can choose the correct build variant for the app module.

In most cases you should use the x86Debug variant for emulators and the fatDebug variant for physical devices.