Bibliome / alvisir

AlvisIR semantic search engine
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link


AlvisIR semantic search engine



Clone the git repository or download from

Build and install from the package homedir

mvn clean package

Command-line interface

Install from the package homedir

./ DIR

DIR is the base directory of your AlvisIR install.

Using the expander indexer

The expander indexer reads resources for query expansion.

DIR/bin/alvisir-index-expander INDEX SPEC

DIR is the base directory of your AlvisIR install. You migh also add the bin sub-directory to the PATH environment variable.

INDEX is the path to the expander index. If INDEX already contains an index, then it will be cleared before creating the new expander index.

SPEC is the expander specification file.

Using the command-line search

DIR/bin/alvisir-search SPEC QUERY

DIR is the base directory of your AlvisIR install. You migh also add the bin sub-directory to the PATH environment variable.

SPEC is the index and search specification file.

QUERY is the query.

Web service


Deploy the the alvisir-web/target/alvisir-web-0.5-SNAPSHOT.war file in your favourite application container.

For instance, on glassfish, run:

asadmin deploy --contextroot CONTEXT --name NAME alvisir-web/target/alvisir-web-0.5-SNAPSHOT.war

Set context parameters

Set the following context parameters:

Variable Description
configPath Absolute path to the UI specification file.

Use it

From a browser open the URL http[s]://HOST/CONTEXT/webapi/search