Next generation JavaScript screenshots tool.
Documentation | Getting Started
## Why html2canvas-pro?
html2canvas-pro is a fork of [niklasvh/html2canvas]( that includes various fixes and new features. It offers several advantages over the original html2canvas, such as:
- support color function ```color()``` (including relative colors)
- support color function ```lab()```
- support color function ```lch()```
- support color function ```oklab()```
- support color function ```oklch()```
- Support object-fit of ```
- Fixed some [issues](./
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## Installation
npm install html2canvas-pro
pnpm / yarn add html2canvas-pro
## Usage
import html2canvas from 'html2canvas-pro';
To render an `element` with html2canvas-pro with some (optional) [options](/docs/, simply call `html2canvas(element, options);`
html2canvas(document.body).then(function(canvas) {
## Contribution
If you want to add some features, feel free to submit PR.
If you want to become a maintainer on it, please contact me.
## License