The heterogeneity of different data cleaning tools makes it difficult to use them. Abstraction layer is an easy-to-use project for working with different data cleaning tools. In particular, the abstraction layer provides simple APIs for running data cleaning tools on datasets and evaluating them.
To install the module, make sure that you already have installed Python 2.7, Python 3.6, and Oracle Java 1.8 on your system. Furthermore, the following underlying data cleaning tools need to be installed separately:
import dataset
import data_cleaning_tool
dataset_dictionary = {
"name": "toy",
"path": "datasets/dirty.csv"
d = dataset.Dataset(dataset_dictionary)
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "dboost",
"configuration": ["gaussian", "2.5"]
t = data_cleaning_tool.DataCleaningTool(data_cleaning_tool_dictionary)
This folder contains some sample datasets.
This folder contains some of the underlying data cleaning tools.
This file contains the implementation of the dataset class.
The input dataset should respect the following assumptions:
The input dataset dictionary to the constructor of the dataset class should respect the following structure:
dataset_dictionary = {
"name": "dataset_name",
"path": "dataset/path.csv",
"clean_path": "optional/ground_truth/path.csv",
"repaired_path": "optional/repaired_dataset/path.csv"
This file contains the implementation of the data cleaning tool class.
The input data cleaning tool dictionary to the constructure of the data cleaning tool class should respect the following structure:
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "data_cleaning_tool_name",
"configuration": ["tool's", "configuration", "in", "form", "of", "a", "list"]
Examples of currently supported tools/configurations are as follows:
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "dboost",
"configuration": ["histogram", "0.8", "0.2"]
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "dboost",
"configuration": ["gaussian", "2.5"]
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "dboost",
"configuration": ["mixture", "5", "0.1"]
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "dboost",
"configuration": ["partitionedhistogram", "5", "0.8", "0.2"]
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "regex",
"configuration": [["attribute_name", "^[\d]+$", "OM"], ["another_attribute_name", "^[a-z]+$", "ONM"],...]
Note that "OM" means output values that are matched to the regex. Contrary, "ONM" stands for output non-matches.
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "katara",
"configuration": ["path/to/domain/specific/folder"]
Note that a default domain specific folder exists in "tools/KATARA/dominSpecific".
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "nadeef",
"configuration": [["an_attribute", "another_attribute"],...]
Note that the tool outputs data cells that violate functional dependencies "an_attribute" -> "another_attribute",...
data_cleaning_tool_dictionary = {
"name": "fd_checker",
"configuration": [["an_attribute", "another_attribute"],...]
Note that the tool outputs data cells that violate functional dependencies "an_attribute" -> "another_attribute",...