# atls4214-project: Crime Crunch
## Frontend
## Backend
## Database
## Deployment
Welcome to the main repository for Crime Crunch, a project made by Kunal Rane, Chintan Modi, Sarthak Maniar, Ash Duy, Jaryd Meek, and Noah Nguyen for CU's ATLS 4214 - Big Data Architecture. Code is housed in separate repositories, as described under "Navigation."
A live version can be found here.
- Contains code for the frontend, hosted on Render, as well as information on how to run/deploy the project locally. It also contains more details about what the project is and how it works.
- Contains deployment code that communicates with our host to deploy changes after each push that is made to the frontend.
- CDK stack for AWS to allocate OpenSearch domain.
- Contains the code that we used to prepare the data from separate postgres databases into json files with the information that we needed that could then be uploaded to OpenSearch, as well as the schema used.
Issue Tracking
Kanban Board
- Issue tracking board for work done throughout the semester.
Presentation Slides
- Slides used during project demonstration.