BigLudo / Chat_Test

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Chat server and client

This is a work in progress of a simple chat server and client application that allows users to communicate in real-time.


Way of testing

Since the program is in early stages of testing, no client has been constructed as of now. To test the connection, we therefore recommend using another client such as TelNet.

  1. Download the source code for the repository
  2. Download or activate the TelNet by accessing Windows control panel >> Programs >> Programs and functions >> Activate or deactivate windows functions and then activating the Telnet attachment.
  3. Run the program to initialize thread.
  4. Type in the Windows powershell "open 8000" to access hardcoded port.

Commond line


Build the java package with maven.

mvn package assembly:single


  1. Start server

    java -cp target/chat-test-1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.bigludo.BigLudoChat
  2. Connect client(s), start arbitrary number of clients for test
