Bigel0w / fluent-plugin-snmptrap

Fluentd SNMP Trap input plugin
9 stars 12 forks source link


fluent-plugin-snmptrap is an input plug-in for Fluentd


Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status


These instructions assume you already have fluentd installed. If you don't, please run through [quick start for fluentd] (

Now after you have fluentd installed you can follow either of the steps below:

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-snmptrap'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-snmptrap


Add the following into your fluentd config.

  type snmptrap       # required, chossing the input plugin.
  host      # optional, interface to listen on, default 0 for all.
  port 162            # optional, port to listen for traps, default is 1062
                      # ports under 1024 range will require sudo to start fluentd
  tag alert.snmptrap  # optional, tag to assign to events, default is alert.snmptrap 

<match alert.snmptrap>
  type stdout

Now startup fluentd

$ sudo fluentd -c fluent.conf &

Send a test trap using net-snmp tools

& sudo snmptrap -v 1 -c public localhost:1062 localhost 3 0 ''  

To Do

Things left to do, not in any particular order.