Bijoo Start is a Starter Kit providing basic set up for building Fresh and Cool websites made with Grunt, PostCSS, RequireJS, BEM and our best practices.
npm install -g grunt-cli
cd path/to/project
npm install
grunt lint
grunt prod
Bijoostrap is based on BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) but it adds a specific child block declaration.
To specify a child block, add an underscore caracter "_" followed by one of the next uppercase letter :
Here is the naming convention :
Example :
<footer class="mainFooter">
<div class="mainFooter_H">
<h1 class="mainFooter_H__title "></h1>
<h1 class="mainFooter_H__subtitle"></h1>
<div class="mainFooter_C">
<h1 class="mainFooter_C__title "></h1>
<h1 class="mainFooter_C__subtitle"></h1>
<h1 class="mainFooter_C__content"></h1>
<div class="mainFooter_F">
<h1 class="mainFooter_F__title "></h1>
<h1 class="mainFooter_F__subtitle"></h1>
Balix and ethyde
Balix and ethyde
Code and documentation by Balix and Ethyde. Code released under the MIT license. Docs released under Creative Commons.