Simple library for adding a floating bubble in your application!
compile 'com.github.bijoysingh.floating-bubble:3.0.0'
// compile 'com.github.bijoysingh.floating-bubble:2.0.0' for Android Support v27
// compile 'com.github.bijoysingh.floating-bubble:1.2.0' for Android Support v26
Let's start with a simple setup for the Service
public class FloatingService extends FloatingBubbleService {
Adding your library in the manifest
<service android:name="<YOUR_PACKAGE>.FloatingService" />
Start the service
startService(new Intent(context, FloatingService.class));
public class FloatingService extends FloatingBubbleService {
protected FloatingBubbleConfig getConfig() {
return new FloatingBubbleConfig.Builder()
// Set the drawable for the bubble
// Set the drawable for the remove bubble
// Set the size of the bubble in dp
// Set the size of the remove bubble in dp
// Set the padding of the view from the boundary
// Set the radius of the border of the expandable view
// Does the bubble attract towards the walls
// The color of background of the layout
// The color of the triangular layout
// Horizontal gravity of the bubble when expanded
// The view which is visible in the expanded view
// Set the alpha value for the remove bubble icon
// Building
Override the onGetIntent function. It will return true if the intent is valid, else false
protected boolean onGetIntent(@NonNull Intent intent) {
// your logic to get information from the intent
return true;
You can change the state of the expanded view at runtime by
// To expand
// To compress
Copyright 2016 Bijoy Singh Kochar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.