Bill-Stewart / SyncthingWindowsSetup

Syncthing Windows Setup
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Syncthing Windows Setup

Syncthing Windows Setup is a lightweight yet full-featured Windows installer for the open-source Syncthing file-synchronization application.

Table of Contents

System Requirements

Syncthing Windows Setup has the same requirements as Syncthing itself: Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 or later.


You can download the latest version of Syncthing Windows Setup from the Github Releases page:


Syncthing Windows Setup (herein referred to as "Setup") provides a Syncthing installer for Windows, built using Inno Setup. It provides the following features:

Version History


Upgrade Details

Administrative installations in versions 1.19.1 and older configured the Windows service to run using the Windows built-in LocalService account. To improve security, Setup versions newer than 1.19.1 configure the Windows service to run using a local service user account instead (SyncthingServiceAcct by default). As a part of this change, the Syncthing configuration data is now located in the CommonAppData\Syncthing folder (e.g., C:\ProgramData\Syncthing).

If you upgrade an administrative installation from version 1.19.1 or older, Setup version 1.27.0 and newer will uninstall the old version and install the new version, but it will no longer migrate the configuration data. Because of this change, it is recommended to first upgrade to version 1.26.1 to migrate the configuration data, and then upgrade again to version 1.27.0 or later.

Starting in version 1.27.11, Setup automatically downloads and installs the latest version of Syncthing for Windows from GitHub. If Setup can't connect to GitHub, you must perform an offline installation (see Offline Installation).

Downgrading an Installation

To downgrade a Syncthing installation, do the following:

  1. Disable Syncthing's automatic upgrade setting.

  2. Stop Syncthing.

  3. Manually replace the syncthing.exe file with your preferred version.

  4. Start Syncthing.

NOTE: If you run Setup to reinstall or upgrade Syncthing, the Automatic upgrade interval setting on the Select Configuration Settings wizard page (or the /autoupgradeinterval command-line parameter) will override the Automatic Upgrades setting in the Syncthing configuration GUI.

Changing Installation Type

If you installed using administrative (all users) installation mode and want to use non administrative (per user) installation mode (or vice versa), you must do the following:

  1. Uninstall the current installed version

  2. Run Setup again and choose your preferred installation mode

If you want to keep the same configuration, you will need to replace the content of the Syncthing configuration folder. The location of the Syncthing configuration folder depends on the installation mode; see Finding the Syncthing Configuration Folder for details.

Setup Command Line Parameters

The following table lists the most common Setup command line parameters:

Parameter Description
/currentuser Runs Setup in non-administrative (current user) installation mode (see Administrative vs. Non Administrative Installation Mode).
/allusers Runs Setup in administrative (all users) installation mode (see Administrative vs. Non Administrative Installation Mode).
/dir="location" Specifies the installation folder. The default installation folder depends on whether Setup runs in administrative (all users) or non administrative (current user) installation mode.
/group="name" Specifies the Start Menu group name. The default group name is Syncthing.
/tasks="task[,task[...]]" Selects one or more tasks on the Select Additional Tasks wizard page (see Setup Tasks).
/mergetasks="task[,task[...]]" Like /tasks, except Setup merges the specified tasks with the set of tasks that would have otherwise been selected by default.
/noicons Prevents creation of a Start Menu group.
/silent Runs Setup without requiring user interaction (see Silent Install and Uninstall).
/log="filename" Logs Setup activity to the specified file. The default is not to create a log file.

See Inno Setup's documentation for more details about the above parameters.

In addition to the standard Inno Setup parameters, Setup also supports some custom command line parameters. The parameters marked with *[] correspond to the settings on the Select Configuration Settings** page in Setup.

Parameter Description
/autoupgradeinterval=interval *[] Specifies the number of hours that Syncthing should check for upgrades and automatically upgrade itself. The default value is 12 hours. Specify 0** to disable Syncthing's automatic upgrade feature.
/listenaddress=address *[] Specifies the listen address for the web GUI configuration page. The default listen address is**.
/listenport=port *[] Specifies the TCP port number for the web GUI configuration page. The default port number is 8384**.
/relaysenabled=value *[] Specifies whether relays are enabled (value must be either true or false). The default value is true** (i.e., relays are enabled).
/serviceaccountusername=username For administrative installation mode, specifies the local service user account user name. The default user name is SyncthingServiceAcct.
/noconfigpage Prevents the Open Syncthing configuration page checkbox from appearing on the final Setup wizard page.
/zipfilepath="filename" Specifies the path and filename of the zip file Setup uses to extract the Syncthing files (see Offline Installation).

Please note the following:

Offline Installation

For Windows-based computers that are unable to download files from GitHub using https, Setup supports offline installation. To facilitate offline installation, you must download the zip file for the Windows version of Syncthing from a separate computer that can connect to GitHub. You can download the latest version of the zip file from the Syncthing project's Releases page:

The zip file uses the following format:


For example: (amd64 is the most common version)

Once you have the zip file, you can specify it for Setup by doing one of the following:

Please note the following behaviors:

Administrative vs. Non Administrative Installation Mode

Setup supports both non administrative (current user) and administrative (all users) installation modes. For an initial installation (not a reinstall or upgrade), Setup displays a dialog box requesting whether you want to install for the current user only (non administrative installation mode) or for all users (administrative installation mode). You can bypass the dialog by specifying either /currentuser or /allusers on Setup's command line (see Setup Command Line Parameters). When you run a newer version of Setup or reinstall the current version, Setup does does not display the dialog. To perform an initial installation in silent mode (see Silent Install and Uninstall), you must specify either /currentuser or /allusers on Setup's command line.

The main advantage of installing in administrative (all users) installation mode is that Syncthing runs as a Windows service and runs without any users being logged on; however, you must manually configure folder permissions to add folders to the Syncthing configuration (see Granting Folder Permissions for the Service Account).

See below for the differences between the two modes.

Non Administrative (Current User) Installation Mode

The following notes apply to non administrative (current user) installation mode:

Administrative (All Users) Installation Mode

The following notes apply to administrative (all users) installation mode:

Windows Service Installation

When you run Setup in administrative (all users) installation mode, it installs Syncthing as a Windows service. The service runs using a local service account (SyncthingServiceAcct by default). By default, Setup configures the service to start at boot. You can change this default by deselecting the startatboot task when installing (see Setup Tasks).

Local User Service Account Considerations

In administrative installation mode, Setup setup creates or updates the local service user account (SyncthingServiceAcct by default) with a very long, random password and configures the following settings for the account:

If the computer is joined to a domain, be aware that Group Policy Object (GPO) settings might override either or both of these settings for the local service user account, which can prevent the service from working. If GPO settings override either or both of these settings, you can do either of the following:

Granting Folder Permissions for the Service Account

In administrative (all users) installation mode, Syncthing runs as a Windows service using a local service user account (SyncthingServiceAcct by default). Normally the local service user account does not have permissions to folders you want to synchronize using Syncthing. This means you must grant the local service user account "Modify" permissions to any folders specified in the Syncthing configuration.

You can grant the local service user account "Modify" permissions to a folder using the Windows File Explorer. Alternatively, you can run the icacls command from the command line; e.g.:

icacls "C:\Users\username\Documents" /grant "SyncthingServiceAcct:(OI)(CI)M" /t

Of course, replace C:\Users\username\Documents with the correct folder name, and replace SyncthingServiceAcct with the correct service account user name if you changed the default service account user name.

Once the local service user account has "Modify" permissions for the folder, you can add it to the Syncthing configuration.

NOTE: Granting folder permissions is normally only needed if you installed Syncthing in administrative (all users) installation mode.

Setup Tasks

The Select Additional Tasks wizard page in Setup specifies additional tasks that Setup should perform, as described in the following table:

Task Description Name Installation Mode
Start Syncthing automatically when logging on startatlogon Current user
Start automatically only if the computer is running AC power startatlogon\acpoweronly Current user
Start Syncthing after installation startafterinstall Current user
Start Syncthing service automatically when system boots startatboot All users
Start Syncthing service after installation startserviceafterinstall All users
Create desktop shortcut for Syncthing configuration page desktopicon Both

The /tasks and /mergetasks command line parameters (see Setup Command Line Parameters) allow you to select and deselect tasks using the command line. By default, all tasks are selected except for the following:


See Inno Setup's documentation for more details about the /tasks and /mergetasks command line parameters.

Start Menu Shortcuts

Setup creates the following Start Menu shortcuts, depending on the installation mode:

Shortcut Installation Mode Description
Syncthing Configuration Page Both Opens the Syncthing GUI configuration page using the default browser
Start Syncthing Current user Starts Syncthing in the background for the current user
Stop Syncthing Current user Stops the Syncthing instance running for the current user

Managing Automatic Startup

Setup configures Syncthing to start automatically by default, unless you deselect the startatlogon or startatboot task (see Setup Tasks). You can change this configuration after installation if needed. The steps for changing the configuration depends on whether you installed using non administrative (current user) or administrative (all users) or installation mode.

Managing Automatic Startup for the Current User

If you installed Syncthing for the current user, Setup creates a scheduled task that starts Syncthing automatically when the current user logs on. Setup does not create this task if you deselect the startatlogon task (see Setup Tasks) when installing.

If you did not select the startatlogon task when installing and want to create the task, do either of the following:


  1. Open a command prompt or PowerShell window.

  2. Run the following command:

    cscript "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Syncthing\SyncthingLogonTask.js" /create

    (where C:\Users\username\appData\Local\Programs\Syncthing is the Syncthing installation folder; replace username with the correct username)

If you want to disable the logon task instead, do the following:

  1. Open the Windows Task Scheduler application.

  2. Right-click the Start Syncthing at logon (username) task and choose Disable.

Managing Automatic Startup for the Windows Service (All Users)

If you installed Syncthing for all users (i.e., the Windows service is installed), do the following:


  1. Open the Windows Services application.

  2. Double-click the Syncthing service.

  3. Change Startup type to Automatic (Delayed Start) or Manual, then Click OK.

Note that these steps require administrative permissions.

Checking If Syncthing Is Running

This section describes how to check if Syncthing is running.

Checking if Syncthing is Running for the Current User

If you ran Setup in non administrative (current user) mode, do one of the following:

  1. Open the Windows Task Manager application.

  2. Switch to the "details" view to see the list of running applications.

  3. Check whether syncthing.exe is in the list.


  1. Open a command prompt or PowerShell window.

  2. Enter the following command:

    tasklist /fi "imagename eq syncthing.exe"

    The output of this command will indicate whether Syncthing is currently running.

NOTE: No matter whether you use the Task Manager application or the tasklist command, it is normal for there to be more than one running instance of syncthing.exe.

Checking if Syncthing is Running as a Service

If you ran Setup in administrative (all users) installation mode, do the following:

  1. Open the Windows Services application.

  2. Find the Syncthing service in the list.

  3. The Status column will indicate if the Syncthing service is running.

NOTE: The tasklist command in the previous section also works to check if the service is running, except that the Session Name column in the output will contain Services rather than Console.

Windows Firewall Rules

Syncthing requires permission to communicate through the Windows Firewall. Creating and removing firewall rules requires administrative privileges.

Firewall Rule Creation

Creating the Firewall Rule Manually

If you ran Setup using non administrative installation mode and need to create a firewall rule for Syncthing manually, open a PowerShell or command prompt window and run the following command:

cscript "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Syncthing\SyncthingFirewallRule.js" /create

(where C:\Users\username\appData\Local\Programs\Syncthing is the Syncthing installation folder; replace username with the correct username)

Firewall Rule Removal

If you uninstall Syncthing (see Uninstalling Syncthing), the same considerations as above apply, except Setup removes the Syncthing firewall rule rather than creating it:

Removing the Firewall Rule Manually

If you installed using non administrative installation mode and need to remove the Syncthing firewall rule manually, open a PowerShell or command prompt window and run the following command:

cscript "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Syncthing\SyncthingFirewallRule.js" /remove

(where C:\Users\username\appData\Local\Programs\Syncthing is the Syncthing installation folder; replace username with the correct username)

Helper Tools

Setup installs a set of helper tools to the installation folder to facilitate ease-of-use, depending on the installation mode, as described in the following table.

Tool Installation Mode Description
SetSyncthingConfig.js Both Setup uses this script to create and/or configure the Syncthing configuration file (config.xml).
SyncthingFirewallRule.js Both Adds, removes, and tests for the existence of a Windows Firewall rule for Syncthing (prompts for administrative permissions if required).
SyncthingLogonTask.js Current user (non admin) Adds or removes a scheduled task that runs the StartSyncthing.js script at logon.
stctl.exe Current user (non admin) Helper program for starting and stopping Syncthing for the current user.
asmt.exe All users (admin) Helper program for installing and/or resetting the service account and service configuration.
ServMan.exe All users (admin) Helper program for starting and stopping the Syncthing service.

Resetting the Service Account Password

If you installed using administrative (all users) installation mode and want to reset the service account password, do the following:

  1. Open a PowerShell or cmd.exe window as administrator

  2. Change to the Syncthing installation folder; e.g. cd "\Program Files\Syncthing"

  3. Run the following command:

    .\asmt --reset --account=SyncthingServiceAcct --name=syncthing

This command will reset the service account's password to a long, random password and update the Syncthing service to start with the new password.

NOTE: If you changed the default service account username (not recommended), specify it after the --account= option.

Finding the Syncthing Configuration Folder

The location of the Syncthing configuration folder depends on whether you run Setup in non administrative (current user) or administrative (all users) or installation mode:

Uninstalling Syncthing

You can uninstall Syncthing using the standard Windows application management list.

If you installed Syncthing in non administrative installation mode (current user only), the uninstall process prompts to remove the Syncthing firewall rule if it exists (this requires administrative permissions).

If you installed syncthing in administrative install mode, note that the uninstall process:

Regardless of whether you installed Syncthing in administrative or non administrative mode, the uninstall process does not remove any Syncthing configuration files. If you want to remove the Syncthing configuration folder, determine its location (see Finding the Syncthing Configuration Folder) and remove it after uninstalling.

Silent Install and Uninstall

Setup supports silent (hands-free) install and uninstall mode using the /silent command line parameter.

Silent Non Administrative (Current User) Installation

To perform an initial install (i.e., not a reinstall or upgrade) silently in non administrative (current user) installation mode, specify the /currentuser and /silent command line parameters on Setup's command line. In this mode, Setup:

To ensure Syncthing works correctly after a non administrative (current user) silent installation, create the firewall rule manually (see Creating the Firewall Rule Manually) before starting Syncthing.

A silent reinstall or upgrade does not require the /currentuser parameter.

Silent Administrative (All Users) Installation

To perform an initial install (i.e., not a reinstall or upgrade) silently in administrative installation (all users) mode, specify the /allusers and /silent command line parameters on Setup's command line. In this mode, Setup:

A silent reinstall or upgrade does not require the /allusers parameter.

Silent Uninstall

To uninstall silently, specify /silent on the uninstaller's command line (the uninstaller executable is located in the uninstall directory inside the Syncthing installation folder).

If you installed Syncthing for the current user, you must remove the Syncthing firewall rule manually (see Removing the Firewall Rule Manually) before uninstalling silently.

Reporting Problems

If you encounter a problem with Setup or one of the helper tools, please inform the author by filing an issue on the Issues page:

For Syncthing support (not related to Setup or the helper tools), please visit the Syncthing forum:


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