Binara-Prabhanga / AcademyNet

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AcademyNet Project Readme


AcademyNet is an educational platform developed as part of an academic project for Year 3, Semester 1, 2024. The platform aims to provide a comprehensive environment for online learning, similar to systems like Coursera or Udemy. It supports functionalities for learners, instructors, and administrators, offering an extensive range of courses and a rich user experience across various devices.

Repository Structure

The project is structured into multiple services, each running independently but interacting through well-defined interfaces. These services include:

The root of the repository contains a package.json file to manage scripts for running all services concurrently during development.

Setup Instructions


Clone the Repository

Start by cloning the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd AcademyNet

Environment Configuration

Each service in the project requires its own environment variables for configuration. For security reasons, .env files are not included in the repository. You will need to create these based on the example files provided in each service directory.

Installing Dependencies

Navigate into each service directory and install the necessary npm packages:

# Install dependencies for the client
cd client
npm install

# Install dependencies for each service
cd ../course-service
npm install

cd ../learner-service
npm install

cd ../user-service
npm install

Running the Services

From the root directory, you can use the following command to start all services concurrently:

npm start

This will launch the client and all backend services, making them interact with each other.

Architecture and Technologies

AcademyNet is built using the Microservices architecture, ensuring scalability, maintainability, and resilience. Key technologies include:

Security and Authentication

The system uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for securely managing user sessions and authenticating requests across services. Each user role (learner, instructor, admin) has specific permissions and accessible endpoints.