BinghamtonCoRE / bikeshare

1 stars 5 forks source link



1) Fork BinghamtonCoRE/bikeshare. You'll have your own version of the repo at You/bikeshare with both the master branch and develop branch.

2) Create a virtual environment and activate it.

3) Install the app's requirements from requirements.txt using pip. You may need to use pip3 to ensure you're running pip from Python 3.

pip install -r requirements.txt

4) Install additional required components specified in bower.json using bower.

bower install

5) We have some scripts in the scripts directory for inserting test data to your local database. Assuming you have the local database running, just run the script using Python 3.

6) Configure the app based on the environment you're running it in. If you are developing, you must set the FLASK_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to development.

export FLASK_ENVIRONMENT=development

Running the app

To start the app simply run the following from the top level directory:

gunicorn app:app

