BioPhoton / css-star-rating

Css Star Rating is a css only star rating lib based on best practice UX/UI methodes. It is written in scss and fully customizable.
MIT License
69 stars 31 forks source link

Css Star Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

⭐ Css Star Rating is a pure css star rating plugin based on best practice UX/UI methods. ⭐

License NPM Version Standard Version Build Status npm

Package Quality

Css Star Rating is written in scss and fully customizable over variables.
Easily compose your own rating component over a rich set of css modifiers for any kind of UI state.


Demos in the KSS style guide


Browser support

IE Firefox Chrome Safari Opera
11 50 55 10 41

Related Projects

Css Angular1 (>=1.5) Angular (>=10)
Css Star Rating Angular1 Star Rating Angular Star Rating



Get Css Star Rating:

Load library

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Copy assets (optional) If you want to use svg as icon type copy the
star-rating.icons.svg image form node_modules/css-star-rating/images/star-rating.css to your roots assets folder.


<div class="rating large star-icon direction-rtl value-1 half color-default label-top">
   <div class="label-value">1.5</div>
    <div class="star-container">
        <div class="star">
            <i class="star-empty"></i>
            <i class="star-half"></i>
            <i class="star-filled"></i>
        <div class="star">
            <i class="star-empty"></i>
            <i class="star-half"></i>
            <i class="star-filled"></i>
        <div class="star">
            <i class="star-empty"></i>
            <i class="star-half"></i>
            <i class="star-filled"></i>

Css Modifiers

The actual star rating value. The color of the stars depends on the rating number

If set, every rating value will have a half star at the end.

<div class="rating value-3 half">
   <div class="star-container">

The text next to the stars.

<div class="rating value-3">
   <div class="label-value">My text</div>
   <div class="star-container">

The position of the label.

<div class="rating value-3 label-hidden">
   <div class="label-value">3.5</div>
   <div class="star-container">

The position of the label.

<div class="rating value-3 label-right">
   <div class="label-value">Good</div>
   <div class="star-container">

If the start use the whole space or not.

<div class="rating value-3 space-between">
   <div class="star-container">

The height and width of the stars.

Static color of stars.

<div class="rating value-3 color-negative">
   <div class="star-container">

.disabled: The click callback is disabled, colors are transparent

<div class="rating value-3 disabled">
   <div class="star-container">

The direction of the stars and label.

<div class="rating value-3 direction-rtl">
   <div class="star-container">

The duration of the animation in ms.

<div class="rating value-3 slow">
   <div class="star-container">

The type of start resource to use.

<div class="rating value-3 star-icon">
   <div class="star-container">
        <!-- font icons-->
        <div class="star">
            <i class="star-empty"></i>
            <i class="star-half"></i>
            <i class="star-filled"></i> 
        <!-- or svg icons-->
        <div class="star">
            <svg class="star-empty">
                <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></use>
            <svg class="star-half">
                <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></use>
            <svg class="star-filled">
                <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""></use>


As a bonus there are some themes as classes. theme-[NAME]:
The type of start resource to use.

<div class="rating value-3 theme-google-places">
   <div class="star-container">