Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon detection tool capable of finding recently nested LTR RTs de novo.
Copyright (C) 2023 Anthony B. Garza and Hani Z. Girgis, PhD
Academic use: Affero General Public License version 1.
Any restrictions to use for profit or non-academics: Alternative commercial license is required.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Please contact Dr. Hani Z. Girgis (hzgirgis@buffalo.edu) if you need more information.
The src directory holds the source code. The CMakeLists is the cmake file. The script directory holds useful scripts for studying the results of Look4LTRs. These scripts were made with Python 3.10.
GNU g++ 11.1.0 cmake 3.10.3
If you do not have the required g++ and cmake, we suggest creating a conda environment. Please follow these steps to install the required g++ and cmake, assuming an enviornment called "myenv". You may change the environment name.
conda create -n myenv
conda activate myenv
conda install -c conda-forge cmake=3.10.3
conda install -c conda-forge gcc=11.1.0
mkdir bin
cd bin
(If your default compiler meets the version requirement)
cmake ..
(Or if you would like to specify a different compiler that meets the requirement)
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=your_compiler_name_for_example_g++-7
(Or if this fails, try using this to set a different compiler. Replace the paths with your own.)
make look4ltrs
Look4LTRs accepts FASTA format files, as well as multi-FASTA format. It is suggested that, at minimum, an entire genome is given to Look4LTRs, to enhance its self-supervised capabilities. Multiple genomes may be passed into Look4LTRs, but take caution with the memory requirements, and lower the number of threads (if any) if too much memory is being utilized. Additionally, Look4LTRs accepts training genomes that will not be predicted upon but are used to enhance the prediction of other genomes.
The FASTA format files given to Look4LTRs MUST have a .fa extension. No other extension is allowed!
In the output directory, Look4LTRs will create three new directories. Look4LTRs will not overwrite these directories or files within UNLESS the files are generated from the same FASTA files. The directories created are as follows:
The typical BED format file consists of three columns. These BED files only report the start and ends of LTR RTs, not solo LTRs.
RTR stands for RetroTransposon Relationship format file. It is Look4LTRs specific format that outputs information about detected LTR RTs and their relationship to other LTR RTs found by Look4LTRs. RTR format files also contain the locations of solo LTRs. RTR format has 16 columns.
CPX stands for ComPleX format file. It is a Look4LTRs specific format that outputs complex regions of many same-family elements that Look4LTRs was unsure about. There are a variable number of columns.
Look4LTRs is activated from the command line. The following table describes the parameters as well as if they are required.
Parameter | Description | Required? |
-f/--fasta | Fasta file directory for training and predicting. If you wish to train multiple genomes, you can pass multiple directories here. | Yes |
-t/--train | Fasta file directory for training only. Can be given a variable number of arguments. | |
-o/--output | Output directory. | Yes |
-c/--config | Config file that contains a machine learning model's parameters. Used to replace the model in the detector module and downstream parameters. | No |
-p/--parallel | Number of threads to use. If not given, defaults to 1 | No |
-h/--help | Prints a help message and stops execution of the program | No |
Predicting on a genome:
./look4ltrs --fasta /###/###/Sorghum_bicolor/Fasta/ --out /###/###/outputdir/ --parallel 8
Predicting on multiple genomes from different directories is this:
./look4ltrs --fasta /###/###/Phaseolus_vulgaris/Fasta/ /###/###/Vigna_radiata/Fasta/ /###/###/Vigna_angularis/Fasta/ --out /###/###/outputdir/ --parallel 8
Training on a genome and predicting on another:
./look4ltrs --fasta /###/###/Phaseolus_vulgaris/Fasta/ --train /###/###/Vigna_radiata/Fasta --out /###/###/outputdir/ --parallel 8
When passing more than one fasta directory through --fasta, --train, or combined, give the full path to these directories. Otherwise, Look4LTRs can not properly build symbolic links.
Script | Description | Usage | Example |
findRecentNest.py | will find the IDs of recently nested LTR RTs and print out to terminal a tree of these nests. | Pass in a path to a directory of RTR files or a path to a single RTR file. If given a directory, each file, before the extension, must end with _chr#, where # is the chromosome identifier. | python3.10 findRecentNest.py /###/###/outputdir/Rtr/Glycine_max_chr1.rtr |
findSameGraphNest.p | will find the IDs of LTR RTs nested into a same-graph LTR RT (same family possibly). Prints to a tree like findRecentNest.py. | Pass in a path to a directory of RTR files or a path to a single RTR file. If given a directory, each file, before the extension, must end with _chr#, where # is the chromosome identifier. | python3.10 findSameGraphNest.py /###/###/outputdir/Rtr/Glycine_max_chr1.rtr |
findRT.py | will return the line belonging to an LTR RT from an RTR file given its ID. Use this in conjunction with the above scripts instead of searching by hand. | Pass in a path to a single RTR file. | python3.10 findRT.py /###/###/outputdir/Rtr/Glycine_max_chr1.rtr |
findSameGraphNest.py findRT.py will return the line belonging to an LTR RT from an RTR file given its ID. Use this in conjunction with the above scripts instead of searching by hand.
Look4LTRs is trained on Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa japonica, Glycine max, and Sorghum bicolor using elements delineated by RepeatMasker and Repbase (2018). Non-model organisms may not be well-represented as a result. To accomodate this, the pipeline for training Look4LTRs has been provided.
We advise caution with retraining Look4LTRs as it may result in unexpected results. In Look4LTRs, an SGD classifier (from scikit-learn) was trained on the aforementioned genomes. The SGD classifier itself was chosen after consideration of other models such as linear regressors and random forests. As such, the SGD classifier may not result in the optimal results on non-model genomes.
A few steps are required to set up the training of Look4LTRs.
Compile required executables. Two executables need to be compiled for the training pipeline to work. Navigate to the bin directory and run the following commands.
cd bin
make generateTrainingData
make generateGraphData
Set up the input genomes. The training pipeline requires the FASTA files of the genomes to train on.
Set up the LTR-retrotransposon locations. The user must provide the locations of LTR-retrotransposons within their provided genomes in BED format.
Download Python. Python 3.8 and higher is recommended. A conda environment can be used.
Download the required packages. In the Training folder, there is a requirements.txt file. Please install the packages within this file for Python.
cd ../Training
pip install -r requirements.txt
The pipeline can be run by calling trainModel.py located in the Training folder. This script takes the following parameters.
Parameter | Description | Required? |
-fd/--fastadirs | Takes multiple arguments. The paths to each genome's FASTA file directory. Separate each path with a space | Yes |
-bd/--beddirs | Takes multiple arguments. The paths to each genome's BED file directory. Separate each path with a space. | Yes |
-o/--output | Output directory. If it doesn't exist, it will be created (assuming the base path exists). WARNING: If it does exist, everything in the folder will be deleted beforehand. | Yes |
An example usage is the following:
python3 trainModel.py -fd /###/Genome1/Fasta/ /###/Genome2/Fasta/ -bd /###/Genome1/Bed/ /###/Genome2/Bed -o /###/Output/
The result of this pipeline is located in the provided output folder in a file called config.txt. This file can then be passed to the look4ltrs executable with the -c/--config parameter detailed above.