BiologicalRecordsCentre / ABLE

Assessing ButterfLies in Europe project repository
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Issue: Strange upload transect survey from the app, missing data of one section #595

Closed CrisSevilleja closed 1 year ago

CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

Describe the issue

Indicia Warehouse User ID: 246153 reported his transect BIAR, EBMS:España:72, Id 308776 with three sections has strange behaviour when collecting data on the app and the upload of data is not correct.

On the app for this user, the transect appears with four sections, but the app jumps to section 4 directly from section 2. When uploading records to the eBMS website, section 3 doesn´t have data, when indeed it was recorded on the app but as section 4. Therefore, all records from section 4 are instead from section 3.

The user can enter data on section 3 on the app, but because the app jumps to the section 4, he continues entering data on the wrong section.

Expected behaviour

The transect BIAR on the app shows only three sections and the consecutive sections are correct, from section 2 pressing next should bring you to section 3. This will allow to submit data correctly.

To Reproduce

As reported by the user: The way to submit the data: I select the transect first (I have 2 transects). I enter the meteorological data. I select the first transect and start counting. I finish this section 1 and press next. I continue with section 2, finish entering data and press next, in this case, I get to the 4th section (which doesn't exist) and I put the data of the third section in this one.

I can enter on section 3 but by default after section 2, the app brings me to section 4. So data from the 3rd section is actually in the 4th section since the beginning.

App Version

V1.20.0 (241)


Galaxy A12

When did this happen

since March 2023, new transect of 2023


Screenshot_20230403-163026_ButterflyCount Screenshot_20230403-163043_ButterflyCount Screenshot_20230403-163053_ButterflyCount Screenshot_20230403-163105_ButterflyCount

Screenshots from the transect visit of the 27th of March 2023. This visit is submitted, on the website no data appears for section 3.

Additional context

the user continues using the app for registering transects and continues with this problem in this specific transect BIAR. No problem reported to another transect done on the app.

The data from section 3 is missing, so it should be recover from the submission. Thanks in advance.

JimBacon commented 1 year ago
The transect was created with 4 sections and then one was deleted. id name deleted
308777 BIAR - S1 false
308778 BIAR - S2 false
308779 BIAR - S4 true
308780 BIAR - S3 false

I guess the app needs to update the location information. How is that done @kazlauskis?

When that is fixed I will need to update all the samples saved against S4 to refer to S3.

kazlauskis commented 1 year ago

@CrisSevilleja, does refreshing the transects not solve the issues?

Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 19 16 30
CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

thank you @JimBacon and @kazlauskis for checking this. The user confirms that section 4 doesn´t appear anymore on his phone :) great.

Now if Jim you can update the data from S4 to S3 this would be done. good teamwork. Have a nice weekend!

kazlauskis commented 1 year ago

Sorry, reopening for Jim to fix the records.

JimBacon commented 1 year ago

There are 8 walks where edits are required. In each case, 4 sub-samples have been created. Where any occurrences have been attached to a sub-sample for the deleted section (location_id = 308779), these need attaching to the sub-sample for section 3 (location_id = 308780)

The sub-samples for the deleted location then need deleting. The changes must be applied to both the core tables and the cache tables.

The following query was run to accomplish this:

with walks_to_edit as (
    select, count(*)
    from cache_samples_functional s
    join cache_samples_functional ss
        on ss.parent_sample_id =
        s.location_id = 308776 -- walk location_id
    group by
    having count(*) = 4
sections_to_edit as (
    select, keep_id, delete_id
    from walks_to_edit w
    join cache_samples_functional section_keep
        on section_keep.parent_sample_id =
        and section_keep.location_id = 308780
    join cache_samples_functional section_delete
        on section_delete.parent_sample_id =
        and section_delete.location_id = 308779
update_occurrences as (
    update occurrences o
    set sample_id = s2e.keep_id, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
    from sections_to_edit s2e
    where o.sample_id = s2e.delete_id
update_cache_occurrences as (
    insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on)
        select 'task_cache_builder_update', 'occurrence', id, null, 100, 2, now()
        from update_occurrences
delete_samples as (
    update samples s
    set deleted = true, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
    from sections_to_edit s2e
    where = s2e.delete_id
delete_cache_samples_functional as (
        delete from cache_samples_functional s
        using sections_to_edit s2e
        where = s2e.delete_id
delete from cache_samples_nonfunctional s
using sections_to_edit s2e
where = s2e.delete_id

insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on)
select 'task_cache_builder_update', 'sample', id, null, 100, 2, now()
from delete_samples

EDIT: I forgot that any sample attributes attached to the deleted section needed to be attached to the section S3. On checking, though, I found there were no such attributes.

CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

Hi Jim,

thanks for going further with this. I don´t really get about the subsamples, but I hope you can solve it.

I received a new message from the user telling me the visualization of the transect visit for 8 May 2023 is wrong, only showing one species Thymelicus when there were more butterflies registered. When I entered the visit through My samples, I can see there were more butterflies (44 individuals and 14 species) 8may23 biar

but that is not appearing on the details of the visit on My visit page: image

I mentioned you were correcting the data missing from section 3 and this can be a result of that work or because some arrangements were done. Anyway, I thought it was important to report this to you

JimBacon commented 1 year ago

With this recording method you do a walk divided in to sections in which you record the butterflies you see.

In the language of the database, the walk is a sample and the sections are subsamples. The species records join to the sections and the sections join to the walk.

What I can see here is that the species records, all except the one of Thymelicus, have somehow become attached to the walk rather than the sections so they do not show up in the recording form.

It is only this one record that is wrong. I don't know how it has happened. I don't see that my corrections can have caused this.

Since there is no information in the database about which species records should belong to which section, I cannot fix this on my own. If the recorder can, by any chance, indicate which sections the following records belong to then I can fix it. I have listed them in order of id which might possibly relate to the order they were recorded.

id taxon count
30245863 Pieris rapae 3
30245864 Pieris 3
30245865 Pontia daplidice 5
30245866 Thymelicus acteon 3
30245867 Pyronia bathseba 4
30245868 Maniola jurtina 10
30245869 Pararge aegeria 1
30245870 Hipparchia semele 2
30245871 Polyommatinae 2
30245872 Aricia cramera 1
30245873 Thymelicus sylvestris 1
30245874 Pieris brassicae 1
30245875 Iphiclides feisthamelii 1
30245876 Pontia daplidice 1
30245877 Hipparchia semele 2
30245878 Aricia cramera 1
30245880 Pyronia bathseba 2
CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

I am not saying you produced it, just that you were checking those data it could happen.

I ask the user if he can give me more information on the species recorder per section. Thanks

CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

H @JimBacon here are the screenshots from the app with the data of the transect visit 8th of May 2023 from the Biar transect. I checked the numbers and it is correct. The species appearing in section 4 belongs to section 3. Thank you in advance.

Screenshot_20230706-071420_ButterflyCount Screenshot_20230706-071436_ButterflyCount Screenshot_20230706-071501_ButterflyCount Screenshot_20230706-071450_ButterflyCount

JimBacon commented 1 year ago

That's fantastic! How fortunate to still have the details. I have updated the record. We have one anomaly remaining.

Are you able to confirm which is correct?

For reference, I ran the following queries.

-- Section 1
update occurrences 
set sample_id = 21905967, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
where id in (30245863,30245864,30245865,30245866,30245867,30245868,30245869,
-- Section 2
update occurrences 
set sample_id = 21905968 , updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
where id in (30245876,30245877,30245878);
-- Section 3
update occurrences 
set sample_id = 22647465, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
where id in (30245880);

insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on)
select 'task_cache_builder_update', 'occurrence', id, null, 100, 2, now()
from (values (30245863),(30245864),(30245865),(30245866),(30245867),(30245868),
      (30245876),(30245877),(30245878),(30245880)) as t(id);
CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

hi Jim, thanks.

I would consider the correct one is from the screenshots which is the data the user recorded.

JimBacon commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @CrisSevilleja. I have followed your advice. Close this if complete.

The website now shows the recording form as follows: image

I note that the occurrence of Hipparchia hermione was created at the time of the survey and deleted by the recorder a week later, on the 15th May, based on the database contents. Only the recorder could say if that was intentional.

For reference, I used the following queries:

-- Undelete the occurrence of Hipparchia hermione.
update occurrences
set deleted = false, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
where id = 30245879;
-- Undelete the attributes of the H. hermione occurrence.
update occurrence_attribute_values
set deleted = false, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
where occurrence_id = 30245879;
-- Change the abundance of Hipparchia semele from 2 to 1.
update occurrence_attribute_values
set int_value = 1, updated_on = now(), updated_by_id = 2
where id = 67655354;
-- Trigger the creation of a cache record of Hipparchia hermione.
insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on)
(values ('task_cache_builder_update', 'occurrence', 30245879, null, 100, 2, now()));
-- Trigger an update to the cached attributes of Hipparchia hermione.
insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on)
(values ('task_cache_builder_attrs_occurrence', 'occurrence', 30245879, null, 100, 2, now()));
-- Trigger an update to the cached attributes of Hipparchia semele.
insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on)
(values ('task_cache_builder_attrs_occurrence', 'occurrence', 30245877, null, 100, 2, now()));
CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

thanks, everything good! (so far)