BiologicalRecordsCentre / ABLE

Assessing ButterfLies in Europe project repository
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Assessing ButterfLies in Europe project repository for IT elements of the project (apps, website, R scripts, tools)

Click to see all open issues

This is a tool to keep track of the IT elements of the project.


Add an issue for a small peice of work. Examples might be 'Load in updated transect data', 'Calculate grassland indicator' etc. Issues can be 'tagged' in a number of ways. Issues should be SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-bound), and should be closed when complete.

To create an issue you 'Open' a new issue, give it a short title and then a longer description. You will then assign it to someone, label it and link it to a project.

If you want to call someone's attention you can type their username with the @ symbol (e.g. @DavidRoy). When you do this they will get an email telling them they have been mentioned

You can create check lists in your description using this notation:

- [ ] Task to be done

- [x] Task that has been done

- [ ] Another task to be done

Which will produce this:


Projects are peices of work that generally result in defined end-point (e.g. output produced). Projects have their own pages with a description of what they are and panels showing issues that are assigned to them. Projects should be created by people responsible for them and in almost all cases issues will be assigned to a project.


Milestones are time limited collections of issues. A milestone says 'These issues need to complete by this date' and provides a nice way to see you progress towards your goal. Milestones are useful for hard deadlines, they can also span projects.