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Access to pictures sent from the app - eBMS website #616

Open CrisSevilleja opened 1 year ago

CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

Hello, one of the coordinators asked me how the pictures sent from the app to the website (in a transect, 15min counts, or moth traps) can be accessed by the user. I know verifiers can see the pictures on the verification page and also on the Explore online data page selecting the thumbnail option.

However, there is no place where users can see their own pictures altogether, by species order or something nicer for users. I discussed this time ago with moth recorders and we need a page or function to provide users their own data in a better way. I tried on my samples page to select the option Media to show pictures and it is loading and not showing the pictures, it got stuck loading.

Any ideas or comments? @JimBacon @DavidRoy @chrisvanswaay @kazlauskis

larspett commented 1 year ago

We have accessed images (and all other data) from the FIT counts using the API so it is accessible.

CrisSevilleja commented 1 year ago

@JimBacon since I tried to include the Media field on my Samples page is stuck and I cannot see my records, it is all time loading... No hurry to fix it, just have a look at it. thanks

JimBacon commented 8 months ago

On the page there are 3 tabs below the map for Samples, Records and Species.

I think you chose the option to see Occurrence Media on the Samples tab which then gets stuck all the time trying to load (until you remove the cookie called cols-samples-grids from your browser). An option to show Sample Media would be useful - Occurrence Media is clearly not helpful.

On the other hand, if you go to the Records tab and choose to add a column for Occurrence Media, this achieves what you want.

Where there is Sample Media, you can see it by viewing sample details, e.g.