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Assessing ButterfLies in Europe project repository
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Any Butterflies and Any Moths checkbox problems #668

Open andrewvanbreda opened 6 months ago

andrewvanbreda commented 6 months ago

Information from András at HuBMS.

Long standing problem: under each section, the default for the Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox should be off (no thick=not checked) >> i.e. by default no sp. lists (now it is checked if you check it under the first section and it shows the already entered spp.)

Further information regarding issue The any butterflies / any moths checkbox has never worked the way it should. The intended behaviour should be: the checkbox is ticked by default (regardless of what you chose at a former Section) = there were butterflies / moths recorded on the transect at each section by default. (Behaviour now: when you start to fill-in the data = Section-1, the checkbox is unticked = no butterflies / no moths). The intended reason/logic behind that: It happened earlier that someone accidentally missed filling out a transect Section >> if the any butterflies / any moths checkbox is ticked (=remained default) at a blank (=no spp. observed) Section, the data uploader is asked if the section was left blank intentionally or it was accidental omission.

Gary-van-Breda commented 5 months ago

Note that Hungary should use the complex mode of the Walk data entry page, where each occurrence has more information than just a single count. This sees each section displayed one at a time, but the butterflies and Moths for that section are displayed in grids one beneath the other.

There may be a bit of a misunderstanding somewhere about the nature of the Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox. These are only at a walk level, not at a section level, as are the species list preload and sort order. This confusion is probably exacerbated by the design of the page in this mode, where (in a carry over from the other display mode) these are shown under the butterfly and moth headings, whilst the section selector is at the top of the page (which may give the impression the Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox, species preload and sort are dependent on the section you select)

Questions: 1) What should the default value of the walk level Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox be? 2) Should we allow the users to select the value of the walk level Any butterflies / Any moths on the front page of the walk? (currently the form is configured to hide these checkboxes on the main page). 3) Do we need to have a section level Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox, and what should its default value be? 4) Are the answers to the above 3 questions scheme dependent?

I think at the least we need to put some sort of labeled grouping around the Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox, species preload and sort to make it clear they apply to the whole walk, not just the currently selected section.

If we choose to set the default value of the walk level Any butterflies / Any moths checkboxes to be on, then this will need a minor code change.

Gary-van-Breda commented 5 months ago

I included labeled grouping around the Any butterflies / Any moths checkbox, species preload and sort in the updated version deployed today for the Hungarian BMS fix.

Gary-van-Breda commented 5 months ago

See #332

Gary-van-Breda commented 3 months ago

Updated version deployed to Live