BiologicalRecordsCentre / ABLE

Assessing ButterfLies in Europe project repository
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App suggestion: arrange species list by abundance on the app #698

Open CrisSevilleja opened 2 weeks ago

CrisSevilleja commented 2 weeks ago

@kazlauskis Another suggestion from a user to improve the use of the app:

Sometimes trying to find a species in the list can eat into a lot of time and this can be frustrating when there are many butterflies around you that need to be recorded. May I suggest that as species abundances are accumulated on the App, it automatically reshuffles the species list so that the most abundant species find themselves up at the top of the list. This would allow the recorder to go directly to the top of the list when recording the most common species. I believe this would be a significant time saver.

At the moment the order of the species list is done in two ways by clicking the button on the right:

  1. list ordering to alphabetical
  2. list ordering to last added


I would prefer to change number two for ordering to the most abundant species. While doing surveys I missed that option. Also, I would include it for all the surveys: 15min counts, transects and moth traps Of course, I would like the opinion of others @chrisvanswaay @larspett

kazlauskis commented 2 weeks ago

I like the idea. At some point, I was thinking of doing exactly that but wasn't sure how useful it would be, so I left it out.