Bitcoin-Wildlife-Sanctuary / bitcoin-circle-stark

Building blocks of a Circle STARK verifier in Bitcoin script
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bitcoin op-cat stark zero-knowledge-proof
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Circle STARK Verifier in Bitcoin Script

This repository includes Bitcoin script implementations of various cryptographic primitives for STARK.

The next step is to implement the FRI protocol, which reasons about the degree of a quotient polynomial.


These performance numbers are obtained from cargo test -- --nocapture over commit 6e5c211.


The channel is used for Fiat-Shamir transform. It absorbs elements that are either prior knowledge of the verifier or provers' messages, and it can be squeezed to produce pseudorandom elements. There are five operations.

The constructions of commit and extract are as follows.

Commit. With OP_CAT + OP_SHA256, we can commit QM31 elements with a few bytes.

QM31 requires 7 bytes: commit(qm31) := SHA256(qm31.0.0 || SHA256(qm31.0.1 || SHA256(qm31.1.0 || SHA256(qm31.1.1))))


Extract. Since we do not have OP_SUBSTR, to extract a QM31 element or five positions from the hash, we need to use hints. The idea is to peel off the first few bytes of the hash and recreate a normalized QM31 element out of it. If we want to extract positions, the numbers are further adjusted to have only logn bits.

Due to the minimal number encoding form, the hint element, which represents a signed 32-bit integer, does not necessarily have four bytes. Our solution is to use OP_SIZE to detect its length and then use OP_CAT to pad it to four bytes. A subtlety here is that negative numbers, which occur when the original hash's last byte's most significant bit is 1, need to be handled differently, as it would first be padded with OP_LEFT (0x80) and then OP_PUSHBYTES_0 (0x00).


Note that OP_PUSHBYTES_0 and OP_LEFT here are not opcodes but rather data that OP_PUSHBYTES_1 will push to the stack. One cannot directly write 0x00 and 0x80 in the interpreter, as they would become an empty string and 0x80 0x00, respectively.

It first uses OP_CAT to combine the hint elements together and compare it with the hash that is to be extracted from.

Each of the hint number, after peeling off the sign bit, becomes a non-negative 31-bit number, ranging from 0 to 2^31 - 1. However, in the rest of the computation, we want the number to be below 2^31 - 1. This is done by subtracting one from the resulting number unless the resulting number is zero.


After such adjustment, one obtains an element.

Proof of Work

The Proof-of-Work check accepts two inputs: channel and nonce, and checks whether the new channel state channel'=sha256(channel||nonce) has sufficiently many security bits, namely, n_bits.

Since we don't have OP_SUBSTR, the check also requires hints that change depending on whether n_bis is divisible by 8 or not.

If n_bits % 8==0, there is a single hint suffix, and the script checks that


If n_bits % 8!=0, together with suffix, there is an additional byte-sized hint msb. Consequently, the script checks that


and also that msb starts with n_bits % 8 (which would be at least 1) zero bits.

License and contributors

This repository is intended to be public good. It is under the MIT license.

A portion of the code is contributed by L2 Iterative (L2IV), a crypto VC based in San Francisco and Hong Kong. The work receives support from Starkware, who is a limited partner in L2IV. For disclosure, L2IV has also invested into numerous companies active in the Bitcoin ecosystem, but this work is open-source and nonprofit, and is not intended for competition. The code is not investment advice.

Starkware contributes a portion of the code, including the original Rust FRI implementation (from stwo) and some Bitcoin scripts.

There are also community members contributing to the code and contributing to the ideas. Bitcoin Wildlife Sanctuary is a public-good project supported by many people.

Below we reiterate the contributors to this repository.


Abdel @ StarkWare
Abdel @ StarkWare




Deyan Dimitrov
Deyan Dimitrov
