Bitcoin-com / slp-indexer slp-indexer
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last updated: 2019-12-16

1. What is our SLP-Indexer? SLP-indexer is a service that listens to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain for SLP-token transactions. When it finds an SLP transaction it will parse, validate and save it in the database for easy and fast access.

This indexer is built to scale and for high performance services requiring high uptime and scalability. At we use this indexer to handle SLP transactions to our native wallet across several global server locations. The health-check system makes it is easy to setup advanced DNS-failover strategies in AWS or any other cloud provider.

Why should you run this indexer compared to the alternatives on the market? Our top priority during the development of this indexer was to support businesses with requirements on stability and scalability. It was meant to be a full enterprise solution for companies to support high volume SLP trading on an exchange where you need to rely on a close to 100% uptime. It also has the ability to make updates and bug fixes without any downtime which was a strong businesses requirement.

2. Architecture

The service consist of one writer and several readers services. We use MongoDb as the storage and add indexes on the fields that we need to query. The reason we have split readers and writers into separate services is that we want to have the ability to scale our readers separately.

It is not recommended to have more than one writers as they will read the same data from the blockchain and then insert the same items creating a heavier load on your MongoDb. It is possible to run more reader if you really need redundancy in case of failure.

You can deploy as many readers as you want and we recommend at least 2 readers for redundancy. Deploying more readers will allow the api to handle more requests. But if your MongoDb cluster cannot handle the API load you will not increase performance. A good idea is if you need a lot of readers to also scale the MongoDb cluster.

It is also recommended to run your readers on a separate machine than the writer. In the case of a DDOS or heavy load on your readers you don't run the risk of also crashing the writer.

We also recommend you run two or more nodes close to the location of the writer and connect your writer only to those nodes. This gives you full control over the nodes it connects to and also speeds up the time the indexer picks up a transaction from the time it was seen in the mempool of the node. We recommend two nodes since it gives you redundancy if one node goes down or has trouble.


3. Performance

When we tested the performance of the indexer we used to generate requests on the api. We ran test-suits to figure out the performance levels and also response times with heavy load.

The graph below shows one of our tests running with 1 m5.large handling requests from As you can see it can handle a lot of clients per second and if more is needed then we can deploy another instance.


Currently in production we run 2 t3.medium which gives us the performance needed to serve request from our wallet and without any issues. If we need more performance we either deploy more machines to spread the load or deploy bigger machines. We are using auto-scaling groups to scale up/down as needed if the load increases or decreases.

4. Future improvements

There is still some improvements that could be made to this project to scale it even further.

5. Setup

What do I need to run the services?

What do I need to build it?

How do i build it?

cd slp-indexer

cd slp-indexer-service
mvn clean install

cd slp-indexer-api-service
mvn clean install

How do i run it?

These steps below is how we run it on a Ubuntu machine
Create this folder on your machine mkdir /var/blockchain/indexer/ chown user:user -R /var/blockchain/indexer

Change these settings in the slp-indexer-service-app/src/main/resources/ to what is applicable for you

bitcoinj.max.connection=MAX_AVAILABLE_NODES This settings is for how many nodes you want to connect to
bitcoinj.awaiting.peer=PEERS_NEEDED_FOR_STARTUP How many connected peers is needed for the service to start bitcoinj.peers.bch=, Point to the location of your nodes if you don't want to use dns.discovery dns.discovery=DNS_TO_YOUR_NODES If you want to use DNS seeding then specify your address here MongoDb connectionsString MongoDb databasename

There is several ways of running the jar file. You can run it in a a docker container or using systemd. Whatever works best for your case.

To run the Writer follow the build instructions and when you have built the project find the jar.

To run the jar use the command
java -jar{prod/localhost/test} slp-indexer-service-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

Example : java -jar slp-indexer-service-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

To run the Reader follow the build instructions and find the jar. slp-indexer-service-api-app/target/slp-indexer-service-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

To run the jar use the command
java -jar{prod/localhost/test} slp-indexer-api-service-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

Example : java -jar slp-indexer-api-service-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

6. How do you query for data?

The reader has a REST api which connects to the MongoDb cluster.

These are the endpoints which are currently supported. You can find more information about the endpoints in the swagger docs http://localhost:1337/api/swagger-ui.html#/ or here

GET validateTxid/{txId}

POST validateTxid

GET list/{tokenId}

POST list/

GET tokenStats/{tokenId}

POST tokenStats

GET balancesForAddress/{address}

POST balancesForAddress

GET balancesForToken/{tokenId}

GET balance/{address}/{tokenId}

GET burnTotal/{transactionId}

GET recentTxForTokenId/{tokenId}/{page}