BjerknesClimateDataCentre / ICOS-Labelling

Scripts for ICOS Labelling
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Data Analysis for Station Labelling for ICOS

Project Description

All stations in the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) network must go through a station labelling process to ensure a high quality standardised station network (see more information about labelling on the ICOS OTC website). This process includes a testing period where data from the stations are analysed using the R scripts found in this github repository. QuinCe (a system for automatic processing and QC of data) is also used for this data analysis procedure.

Data Analysis Procedure

There are two station types - Ship of Opportunity (SOOP) station and Fixed Ocean Station (FOS). Below follows a description of the data analysis procedure for each station type, with refences to the R scripts used. However, note that since all stations are different (differ in instrument- and sensor-setup, raw data format, parameters measured, sensors requiring different calculations and processing etc.), the procedure is not fixed and can vary a lot from station to station, especially for FOS stations. As new stations go through the labelling process, the existing scripts may need editing and new scripts needs to be created.


Script description

See more detailed information inside the individual script files.