Bjornmamman / Our.Umbraco.SimpleTreeMenu

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A simple treemenu propertyeditor that uses a doc-type (element) for menu items.

With a valueconverter that utilize the built in nestedcontent for type conversion of menu items. Every item can be cast to an IPublishedElement for propertyaccess through Umbracos extension-methods.

It will work without the valueconverter, just remove the binary and use JObject instead of IEnumerable



  var navigationModel = Model.Value<IEnumerable<ISimpleTreeItem>>("navigation", defaultValue: new List<ISimpleTreeItem>());


    foreach (var item in navigationModel)

        var element = (IPublishedElement)item;
        var url = element.Value<IPublishedContent>("linkedContent")?.Url ?? element.Value<string>("linkedUrl") ?? "#";

        @:<li><a class="nav-link" href="">@(element.Value<string>("title"))</a></li>

        if (item.Children.Any())
                foreach (var child in item.Children)
                    var cElement = (IPublishedElement)child;
                    var cUrl = cElement.Value<IPublishedContent>("linkedContent")?.Url ?? cElement.Value<string>("linkedUrl") ?? "#";
                    @:<li><a class="nav-link" href="">@(cElement.Value<string>("title"))</a></li>
