BlackHolePerturbationToolkit / GeneralRelativityTensors

Provides a set of functions for performing coordinate-based tensor calculations with a focus on general relativity and black holes in particular.
MIT License
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Version 0.1
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit Team

The GeneralRelativityTensors application provides a set of functions for performing coordinate-based tensor calculations with a focus on general relativity and black holes in particular.

Getting the package

The latest development version will always be available from the project git repository:

git clone


Mathematica: GeneralRelativityTensors requires a recent version of Mathematica. It is typically tested with only the latest available version.


Clone the repository and place it somewhere on Mathematica's $Path. Typical locations are inside ${HOME}/.Mathematica/Applications/ for Linux or inside ${HOME}/Library/Mathematica/Applications/ for Mac OSX.


The package may be loaded into Mathematica using the command:

<< GeneralRelativityTensors`


Examples are included in the documentation. See the GeneralRelativityTensors page in Documentation Center.

Known problems

Known bugs are recorded in the project bug tracker:


This code is distributed under the MIT License. Details can be found in the LICENSE file.


Seth Hopper

Citation guideline

If you make use of any module from the Toolkit in your research please acknowledge using:

This work makes use of the Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit.