BlackOak1337 / Project-Prevail

HearthRanger Decks and Associated Custom JSON code
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Hi all this is the start of a large project to create decks that Vision A.I. can play correctly and win you those matches.

PRE-V(ision)-AI-L (A little play on words)

definitions of the word prevail. Verb

The goal is not only to be all of the above but to give you all the best chance of getting to legend quickly. I've been playing HearthStone for many years not and bot (with HearthRanger about 80% of my play time). I believe it's one of the reasons why I've not been banned yet (nothing is guaranteed). All of the decks and configs I have created over the years have a few things in common, removing mis-plays, making fast play decks and a lot of testing and fine-tuning. But recently I've found a couple of useful tools ChatGPT & Gemini both of which I've spent a lot of hours training how to understand and modify the JSON files which custom decks rely on.