BlackPianoCat / simulating_non_gaussian_surfaces

In this project we simulate Gaussian and non-Gaussian surfaces with the method that was proposed in the paper Numerical Simulation of 3D Rough Surfaces and Analysis of Interfacial Contact Characteristics, by Guoqing Yang, Baotong Li, Yang Wang and Jun Hong.
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Non-Gaussian Surface Simulations

Author: Sebastian Korsak

Special thanks to Max Pierini and his repository:, and my prof. V. Costantoudis who gave me the code in MATLAB.

The method we followed is described on the paper: Numerical Simulation of 3D Rough Surfaces and Analysis of Interfacial Contact Characteristics, by Guoqing Yang, Baotong Li, Yang Wang and Jun Hong. Here we have some of the steps as are writen in this paper.

How to use it

Just import the library,

import non_gaussian_surfaces as seb

and type,




